21 Things You Won't Believe The Sizes Of In Real Life If It Weren't For These Human Scale Comparisons

Sometimes, all you need is a human to prove how big or small something is.

21 Things You Won't Believe The Sizes Of In Real Life If It Weren't For These Human Scale Comparisons

The universe is a very vast place, both full of the most mundane and extraordinary things you could ever imagine. No matter how many years you have been here in this world, there is always a guarantee that there will always be something that will completely blow you away with its magnificent appearance or presence.

Seeing photos on the Internet of extraordinary things can't really compare to the feeling of seeing it in real life, especially the wondrous landmarks scattered all over the world. These iconic places may be at the top of the things you have always wanted to see, but there is also some other stuff in the world that could catch your attention because of their peculiar size in person.

The size of something nowadays must always be compared relatively to something else in order for us to make sense of it in real life. It's like comparing the size of the moon to the size of the Earth or comparing our height to the Statue of Liberty.

It's easy to debunk these things when you're just on the other side of the screen though, but when you see other people standing right next to it, it's a whole other story. You'll be surprised to see how big or small things really are.

That being said, check out this collection of human-scale comparisons just so you would see how our world really is a peculiar place!

1. The world's largest crystal cluster of quartz displayed in a museum in Namibia discovered in 1985 at the bottom of a 45-meter cave near Karibib, in the Othua mine. The cluster weighs over 14,000 kg and took about three years to be excavated.

1. The world's largest crystal cluster of quartz displayed in a museum in Namibia discovered in 1985 at the bottom of a 45-meter cave near Karibib, in the Othua mine. The cluster weighs over 14,000 kg and took about three years to be excavated.u/j3ffr33d0m

2. Frozen Waves in Antarctica

2. Frozen Waves in Antarcticahttps://www.reddit.com/user/j3ffr33d0m/

3. A 1999 Ford Bigfoot truck next to a 7-year-old

3. A 1999 Ford Bigfoot truck next to a 7-year-oldu/allisonp6176

4. A giant sunflower

4. A giant sunfloweru/wjbc

5. Starved Rock State Park in Illinois

5. Starved Rock State Park in Illinoisu/Deutro_Jens

6. A big, friendly moose

7. The Curiosity rover next to Spirit/Opportunity and Sojourner

7. The Curiosity rover next to Spirit/Opportunity and Sojourneru/Stotallytob3r

8. A Russian radar structure

8. A Russian radar structureu/scoutsadie

9. Bethlehem Steel, the factory that built New York City

9. Bethlehem Steel, the factory that built New York Cityu/skimansr

10. The world's longest limo in Burbank, California made by Jay Ohrberg that measures 100-feet long. It has 26 wheels, two driver cabins, a spa, a king-sized bed, a helipad, and even a swimming pool!

10. The world's longest limo in Burbank, California made by Jay Ohrberg that measures 100-feet long. It has 26 wheels, two driver cabins, a spa, a king-sized bed, a helipad, and even a swimming pool!u/j3ffr33d0m

11. A barrel in Kornhauskeller, Bern, Switzerland

11. A barrel in Kornhauskeller, Bern, Switzerlandu/tanukiiiiiii

12. Oldest door at the Pantheon in Rome, which dates from about 115 AD. Each of the solid bronze doors measure 2.3m wide and 7.5m high.

12. Oldest door at the Pantheon in Rome, which dates from about 115 AD. Each of the solid bronze doors measure 2.3m wide and 7.5m high.u/swan001

13. The General Electric Widescreen 1000

13. The General Electric Widescreen 1000u/AcanthisittaBusy457

14. A bed that can accommodate 12 sleeping people

14. A bed that can accommodate 12 sleeping peopleu/BradleyKWooldridge

15. A baby gastropod next to a human finger

15. A baby gastropod next to a human fingeru/BioBraster

16. Bird's eye view of Lantau in Hong Kong

16. Bird's eye view of Lantau in Hong Kongu/j3ffr33d0m

17. A 6'5" man standing next to cars in Italy

17. A 6'5u/ChefBigHaus

18. The M1070 HET—largest land vehicle of the U.S. Army.

18. The M1070 HET—largest land vehicle of the U.S. Army.u/OYeog77

19. When they say add two cloves of garlic, is this what they meant?

19. When they say add two cloves of garlic, is this what they meant?u/yaki15

20. Saturn 5 in NASA/Houston. 1983.

20. Saturn 5 in NASA/Houston. 1983.u/tommytime1234567

21. A fish farm that can hold and mature up to 1.5 million fish in just over a year. It is 110m wide and 68m high.

21. A fish farm that can hold and mature up to 1.5 million fish in just over a year. It is 110m wide and 68m high.u/Hydr0F0il

Seeing these photos, you would probably wonder how many things here on Earth are actually a lot bigger or smaller than we credit them for. Either way, it just proves that our world is full of wonders and you are always bound to stumble upon something so magnificent along the way!

Comment down your thoughts, or share these photos for all your family and friends to see!
