Party Host, Who Owns Cats, Broods Over Refusing To Allow An Invited Couple To Bring Their Dog Along
These entitled guests insists that their dog is well-behaved.
As any dog owner knows, our furry friends can be pretty unpredictable. One minute they're happily wagging their tail, and the next they're growling and baring their teeth.
That's because dogs are highly sensitive to their environment and the people around them. They pick up on subtle changes in our mood, body language, and tone of voice, which can trigger a change in their own behavior.
Another reason is that dogs live in the moment and don't have the same sense of past and future that we do. This means they're more likely to react to what's happening right now, rather than what happened an hour ago or what might happen tomorrow.
So, bringing them along to a party full of strangers, in some cases, isn't ideal. It's especially a bad idea if the hose owns cats that are frightened of canines.
A Redditor recently invited some of their friends to their home. Problem is, there is one couple who insisted on bringing their dog along.
The host had to refuse as he owns cats who will likely be scared of other animals. And since he's hosting the party on his property, it's only natural that he gets to decide what's allowed and what's not.
Unfortunately, instead of respecting the hosts' decision, the entitled couple got offended. And so, the host turned to Reddit to ask if he was wrong for making that decision.
A party host recently shared his predicament on the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit.
He and his wife owns two cats.
They have to remember that animals can have unpredictable behaviour when there's a level of unfamiliarity in the environment.
It's their home. No one has the right to demand what they need to do about the cats during a party.
Ok_Image6174, Reddit User
You can already smell the entitlement from those guests.
Reddit User
True story from a concerned user
That's why it's best to just leave the dog at home.
Some pet owners bring their dogs with them, some don't. But the thing is, they don't get offended when refused by the host.
Fishpaste27, tiny-cups
It's a party. It's the host who gets to decide who's allowed.
Legally_Blonde_258, zZombi__
Sadly, there's a lot of entitled pet owners everywhere.
Responsible_Ad_3130, lurklurklurkingyou
Others would simply leave their dogs at home when invited to a party.
If the host declines it shouldn't be an issue.
But the guests chose to be offended.
Another redditor agrees that there are a lot of entitled pet owners these days.
redpandav, dirtysouth46
Dear pet owners, please don't equate dogs to human children. They're not.
Rooster_Local, dirtysouth46
If they can't leave their dog behind, just look for a sitter for the day.
Yet the guests are obligating him. Yikes!
It's their cats' home. They have every right to be at peace in their own home.
How to avoid such issues in the future: don't invite the entitled friend.
For some cats, the presence of a dog can already spell trouble.
All he wants is to host a party. He doesn't need to go through the trouble of thinking about a dog.
Some people can be immature, unfortunately.
will-shrink-heads, dirtysouth46
Why do his cats need to go through the trouble of getting locked up just because of entitled people?
They're only leaving their dog at home for a couple of hours, so why do they have to complicate the situation? In the end, the community agrees that he isn't the jerk for refusing these two entitled peoples' requests.