Horse Tries To Interact With A Statue Of A Foal In This Hilarious Footage

Seems like he just wanted to say "Hi".

Horse Tries To Interact With A Statue Of A Foal In This Hilarious Footage

The Internet thrives on hilarious photos and videos of animals, and they never get old when it comes to entertaining us. From cats to dogs, you can always expect a good number of footage of these adorable creatures doing questionable things that will make you laugh out loud.

Now, a horse caught having a comical moment has set the Internet world to chuckles. It's quite unusual for a horse to act silly because they're curious, but this particular moment was fortunately caught on cam!

Like all other animals, horses also have varying personalities that make each and every one of them unique. It's unquestionable that horses are one of the most magnificent and beautiful animals out there, and they are definitely a worthy sight to behold up close.

They are very versatile, as they can be working animals, athletes, and companions at the same time. They are very intelligent animals that can be taught a lot of tasks through clicker training and positive reinforcement, much like the ones done with dogs.

They are also able to communicate their needs to their human guardians, as found out in a study. They are also very social animals that use their senses to recognize familiar horses, and will generally spend their time being with other horses that they developed a friendship with.

That being said, check out this hilarious moment of a horse trying to form a friendship with a foal statue, mistaking it for an actual pony!

While it's easy to come across funny animal videos all over the Internet, especially with cats and dogs, you can rarely see horses in these footage acting with silly personalities. But this one seems to be an exception, and you're about to see why.

While it's easy to come across funny animal videos all over the Internet, especially with cats and dogs, you can rarely see horses in these footage acting with silly personalities. But this one seems to be an exception, and you're about to see why.YouTube

This majestic black horse was caught in a short and now-viral footage that sends everyone into smiles and laughter with something he did. He looks so magnificent and graceful at first glance, and the audience certainly did not expect the next thing he did because of how serious he looks like.

He was walking alongside a girl who was handling him when he suddenly noticed a tiny foal—or so he thought. He decided to approach it out of curiosity, unaware that it was just a statue, and started acting like he wants to interact with it.

His polite gesture was not reciprocated, however, because...well, the statue wasn't exactly alive. He even rubs his head persistently onto the statue and is not stepping down even when his new "friend" was not exactly responsive.

This majestic black horse was caught in a short and now-viral footage that sends everyone into smiles and laughter with something he did. He looks so magnificent and graceful at first glance, and the audience certainly did not expect the next thing he did because of how serious he looks like.YouTube

Its dark skin was glistening under the fiery and scorching sun and he looks so majestic walking around.

He's definitely a fun one, though, trying to make friends with a foal statue by repeatedly trying to make it move. Check him out in action below!


It was definitely a funny and lovely sight to see, and the girl who's handling the horse, as well as the one capturing the moment in action, were visibly amused. As great creatures as they are, they are actually well capable of producing silly moments such as this!

Comment down your thoughts, or share this adorable and humorous video for all your family and friends to see!
