20 Entitled Relatives From Hell Who Prove That Horrible People Exist

Think you've seen worse? Here's the worst of them all.

20 Entitled Relatives From Hell Who Prove That Horrible People Exist

Isn't it great to spend the holidays with your family and loved ones? Sure there are many age-old family spat and innocent bickering, but everyone, at the end of the day, looks forward to meeting each other again.

You know that a family is a mixed bag of people with different emotions, characters, and personalities, so you're bound to meet all kinds of people, right? Well, not really.

Some relatives are so horrible you'd wish you never had them in the first place. These entitled relatives, who escaped the deepest pits of hell just to come screw you over, have no empathy, sympathy, or any other common qualities you'd expect in a typical relative.

They're there to suck the life and happiness out of you, like mosquitoes or leeches. Count yourself lucky if you've never had to deal with a relative from hell.

Not only are entitled relatives scary and horrible, but they're also unpredictable, selfish and a major pain in the neck. They won't listen to you, and if they do, I promise they're just pretending.

They do exactly what they want to do and often don't care about how their actions affect others. If you've never met relatives from hell, here are 20 people who have.

Look at this entitled kid from hell.

Look at this entitled kid from hell.TheFartingKing_56



That's a cousin no one wants.

That's a cousin no one wants.Rrath876

Look at these high expectations.

Look at these high expectations.hiteikan

Uh. This is wrong.

Uh. This is wrong.grubbygrampa

This brother who does not take the hint.

This brother who does not take the hint.Zaige

Read it yourself, aunt.

Read it yourself, aunt.nmf8221


Um. yourhairygodmother

This is beyond me. Why is this even a thing, I wonder.

This is beyond me. Why is this even a thing, I wonder.TheBreakUp2013

This aunt is from hell.

This aunt is from hell.emperor_augustus

This sister needs counselling.

This sister needs counselling. Craig2G

Here's another sister from hell.

Here's another sister from hell.

This is just wrong.

This is just wrong.sara8A

Here's a very specific mom.

Here's a very specific mom.midnightsun08

Here's another sister who just doesn't care.

Here's another sister who just doesn't care.ktr0042

She won't take no for an answer.

She won't take no for an answer.bbywhiskey

This uncle who got the money he needed, but didn't get it on time.

This uncle who got the money he needed, but didn't get it on time.DrySource

Here's some sibling drama for you.

Here's some sibling drama for you.AppleLandfill

This is wrong. Passwords are sacred.

This is wrong. Passwords are sacred.69theenvironmnet

This is one dangerous brother.

This is one dangerous brother.H_OAP

In Summary...

I know you're either thanking your stars for not having to deal with relatives and family from hell or cursing that one relative you know would have made it on the list.

You don't get to choose your family, but you can cut ties with toxic people who have nothing to give you but headaches and debt.

You almost never benefit from them, you learn nothing, and in the end, you become a cold and bitter person. It's sad that some of our relatives are bent on screwing us over, but it's a brutal fact.

Take an example of an entitled sister who wanted more money, even after she learned her parents needed it more... or the entitled aunt who wanted free books.

Even that dude who disrespected his grandpa, or the brother who needed $3k because he bet and lost huge sums of money. Some of these posts legit made me mad.

I hope these entitled relatives know they're going viral for all the wrong reasons and mend their ways. It's wrong to take advantage of someone's kindness just because they're family.
