35 Horrible Bosses Go Viral After Their Employees Shared The Incredulous Memos That Circulated In Their Workplace

"When the weather is hot please try to hold off being sick or dehydrated until after you finish your route"

35 Horrible Bosses Go Viral After Their Employees Shared The Incredulous Memos That Circulated In Their Workplace

The management bearing down employees with unreasonable requests has been a tale as old as time. You go to work one day and suddenly there’s a memo that states you can’t discuss your wage with other workers or you have to suffer through everything with a smile.

Because sometimes, management just doesn’t want to acknowledge their employees or would blame them for any mishap. They would like you to leave your troubles behind right before you are called to work.

It’s not all the time when employees can just suck it up and trudge like a martyr when the things that are troubling them are management itself. They are then left with the significant thought of quitting.

Some businesses couldn’t take a hint when they start losing employees due to rules that people are unlikely to follow. They would even put out a hiring post that they would like to replace ‘lazy workers’ or they’re sorry for the inconvenience those said workers have made.

These situations happen way more often than you’d think especially when corporations get too greedy. They would even go as far as making sure employees follow the rules they set, or else.

People online have posted time and time again about the incredulous things their bosses have them do. All but not limited to trying to make the working environment bad for people under them.

1. It’s like putting decorations on something bad to make it ‘fun’

1. It’s like putting decorations on something bad to make it ‘fun’u/turtlesinarace

2. Sounds like going off of the employee handbook and unreasonably profiting off of employees

2. Sounds like going off of the employee handbook and unreasonably profiting off of employeesu/whatthef__ck

3. Probably the same people who call a generation, snowflake generation

3. Probably the same people who call a generation, snowflake generationu/bananadragonborn

4. Not everything is political. Except for snacks, specifically in this place.

4. Not everything is political. Except for snacks, specifically in this place.u/[deleted]

5. Well the crackhead might be getting better incentives if they work hard than employees in this workplace do

5. Well the crackhead might be getting better incentives if they work hard than employees in this workplace dou/fatninjainvegas

6. And no extra pay for it?

6. And no extra pay for it?u/Clumsy_Cheeseburger

7. The only person that seems to take offense with them seating is the person who created the letter.

7. The only person that seems to take offense with them seating is the person who created the letter.u/[deleted]

8. They should start thinking why people might take the paper in the first place

8. They should start thinking why people might take the paper in the first placeu/ima_lesbean

9. Quiet and hidden breakfast then?

9. Quiet and hidden breakfast then?u/Toaster_Oven101

10. They would not be liable for troubles caused by climate change or natural body functions

10. They would not be liable for troubles caused by climate change or natural body functionsu/pyromat1k

11. Then work again as parents from 5 AM to 8 PM

11. Then work again as parents from 5 AM to 8 PMu/triviateach

12. What kind of modified-true-or-false type of thing is this?

12. What kind of modified-true-or-false type of thing is this?u/MinionsAndWineMum

13. That’s half of the applications out the window then

13. That’s half of the applications out the window thenu/EntrepreneurSolid

14. Is it their way of ‘trapping’ people?

14. Is it their way of ‘trapping’ people?u/Happykittens

15. Yeah, thanks for the messy management, messy politicians!

15. Yeah, thanks for the messy management, messy politicians!u/IRideZs

16. Ah capitalism, it’s like drinking from a very expensive fountain

16. Ah capitalism, it’s like drinking from a very expensive fountainu/harveytheham

17. Better look into more than the employee handbook and go into what the law says

17. Better look into more than the employee handbook and go into what the law saysu/JoePatowski

18. Maybe they’re confused just like you are?

18. Maybe they’re confused just like you are?u/TyrionsShadow

19. When someone pulls out the victim card and they’re shockingly not the victim

19. When someone pulls out the victim card and they’re shockingly not the victimu/josolomo4

20. Now you know the kind of managers they’re trying to train

20. Now you know the kind of managers they’re trying to trainu/Rickehr

21. Taste the saltiness of the ramen and no raises

21. Taste the saltiness of the ramen and no raisesu/lovinit1010

22. Expecting to pay your student debt with high expectations and fulfillment

22. Expecting to pay your student debt with high expectations and fulfillmentu/[deleted]

23. They wrote ‘will’ in capitalized form because they want you to know that’s what they’re taking from you

23. They wrote ‘will’ in capitalized form because they want you to know that’s what they’re taking from youu/jrbiff18

24. What can save it is re-evaluating other things that can actually save it

24. What can save it is re-evaluating other things that can actually save itu/RDSHammer

25. The type of place that also doesn’t make employees adhere to anti-harassment seminars

25. The type of place that also doesn’t make employees adhere to anti-harassment seminarsu/RedQueen303

26. This stuff is creepy and another term for it is illegal

26. This stuff is creepy and another term for it is illegalu/[deleted]

27. It’s not about that grind anymore, it’s ‘bout that life’

27. It’s not about that grind anymore, it’s ‘bout that life’u/Shouldthavesaidthat

28. That’s a very detailed report of them telling you how much you disappointed them

28. That’s a very detailed report of them telling you how much you disappointed themu/[deleted]

29. When you want to leave but they’re still kicking you down

29. When you want to leave but they’re still kicking you downu/Particular_Ticket_85

30. When some people are just plain shameful

30. When some people are just plain shamefulu/IceCreamManwhich

31. Another way of telling them to suck it up and not annoy them

31. Another way of telling them to suck it up and not annoy themu/WinnebagoWreckr

32. This rule is for everyone, right? Right?

32. This rule is for everyone, right? Right?u/WHOA_____

33. Women apparently choose not to ‘turn off’ their fountain of blood when it’s that time of the month just to make someone else uncomfortable

33. Women apparently choose not to ‘turn off’ their fountain of blood when it’s that time of the month just to make someone else uncomfortable@MulhollandL0ver

34. Trying to do a good thing by doing something bad shows what kind of management there is

34. Trying to do a good thing by doing something bad shows what kind of management there isu/Jynyvieve

35. Then that means, no discussion at all?

35. Then that means, no discussion at all?u/statiky

Compassion and rewarding employees for what they deserve is the bare minimum for every company. This in turn would forge great relationships that would help morale and the flow in a workplace.

Take care of your workforce; if you’re the boss, they will take care of you. It would show a company’s success.
