40 Hilariously Honest Jokes And Memes About The 1990s That Children Today Will Not Understand

The '90s were the best decade to grow up in. Life was so much better and calmer than today's fast-paced modern life.

  • Published in Funny
40 Hilariously Honest Jokes And Memes About The 1990s That Children Today Will Not Understand

A majority of people reading this are probably those who're either from the '90s, or know for a fact that the '90s were the best decade on the planet. The '90s was when life was so much better, much more calmer than it is today.

Things were cheaper, people were saner, and music was so much more awesome. Don't get me wrong, I love my life today, but I miss the '90s.

Since I can't turn back time, whenever I feel nostalgic, I watch movies and cartoons from the '90s, play my Nintendo Game Boy and visit places I used to back in the days. I genuinely feel that life is more complicated and confusing today than it was back in the '90s.

Music was on a different level, I mean come on, Aqua Girl, Savage Garden, Backstreet Boys... It was epic back then because even the lyrics made sense.

Aside from some albums, you could hum songs out loud and still not offend people around you. What do we have today?

I don't even want to get started. But I can tell you the lyrics of some songs break the laws of physics yet we hum them because the "beat is rad / dope / GOAT." smh.

This post is for those who genuinely miss the '90s. Let's bask in the glory of a worthy decade!

1. Yes, I always need a Bic Crystal to wind up cassettes.

1. Yes, I always need a Bic Crystal to wind up cassettes.navismm

2. All the time! I'd play Solitaire when no one was watching.

2. All the time! I'd play Solitaire when no one was watching.daeron187

3. LOL. Today's parents have no idea.

3. LOL. Today's parents have no idea.orrenlynn

4. Yes. It's ironic we feel the same way.

4. Yes. It's ironic we feel the same way.KevinFederline82

5. Back then, you could tell McDonald's building apart from miles away. Now it just merges in.

5. Back then, you could tell McDonald's building apart from miles away. Now it just merges in.90sAreStillAllThat

6. Pinball. Man, I loved that game.

6. Pinball. Man, I loved that game.waltermitty2020

7. Handmade on magazines.

7. Handmade on magazines.4reddityo

8. Oh yes! I used to personalize them like I personalize nothing today.

8. Oh yes! I used to personalize them like I personalize nothing today.DataDuude

9. Today, kids won't know the struggle of this little box.

9. Today, kids won't know the struggle of this little box.life_is_sadd

10. I'd watch that on my lunch break.

10. I'd watch that on my lunch break.Flawda-Man

11. I don't regret any bit of the '90s.

11. I don't regret any bit of the '90s.Albatross_Secret

12. I can never unsee this. But I'd never see it either.

12. I can never unsee this. But I'd never see it either.vaporgaze2006

13. It's the right way to spend money.

13. It's the right way to spend money. phill080891

14. Instead of pinging on social media, we'd ping them physically in their houses.

14. Instead of pinging on social media, we'd ping them physically in their houses.reddit.com

15. I'd always look forward to it, even if it was the smallest screen on the planet.

15. I'd always look forward to it, even if it was the smallest screen on the planet.jmg1895

16. Marbles! I miss the '90s.

16. Marbles! I miss the '90s.imdarkdante

17. True, but we have phones that disconnects us from everything and everyone.

17. True, but we have phones that disconnects us from everything and everyone.WashingYoda

18. This was gold.

18. This was gold. FlintTheDad

19. Come back, '90s.

19. Come back, '90s.reddit.com

20. It was still worth it.

20. It was still worth it.DataDuude

21. Girls, boys, what's the difference? Back then, if it fits, wear it.

21. Girls, boys, what's the difference? Back then, if it fits, wear it.iota1atg

22. You are too young, Tim.

22. You are too young, Tim.InspiraSean86

23. But they were so cool to have and show off.

23. But they were so cool to have and show off.darkoffice

24. Exactly.

24. Exactly. iota1atg

25. Ah, the good ol' days. Goosebumps and posters were a major thing back then.

25. Ah, the good ol' days. Goosebumps and posters were a major thing back then.PuzzleheadedCard6554

26. If this was only possible.

26. If this was only possible.Heidi_Trismegistus

27. Not many people know the pain and pleasure of Duracell rechargables.

27. Not many people know the pain and pleasure of Duracell rechargables. 90sAreStillAllThat

28. Sigh.

28. Sigh. t-uli

29. Come here children, meet the ancestors of today's bath bombs...

29. Come here children, meet the ancestors of today's bath bombs...lilyhoop

30. Rent and chill.

30. Rent and chill. afzalwas

31. Today's cartoons are headache-inducing.

31. Today's cartoons are headache-inducing.FlintTheDad

32. Oh I remember this.

32. Oh I remember this. beta_nerd

33. Oh boy, I feel like a fossil.

33. Oh boy, I feel like a fossil.msooopsi82much

34. Yes, this used to be the norm.

34. Yes, this used to be the norm.blityc

35. ROFL.

35. ROFL.BuffyBoltonVampFlayr

36. It was the best on the planet. Then things changed...

36. It was the best on the planet. Then things changed...GodSon83

37. The feels with this one is so strong.

37. The feels with this one is so strong.PuzzleheadedCard6554

38. Yes, most of us have said this once.

38. Yes, most of us have said this once.R8RBruin

39. It was all the rage.

39. It was all the rage.onevetsii

40. Feels like home to me.

40. Feels like home to me.DataDuude

In Summary...

There's nothing I can tell you to make you feel better after this extremely nostalgic post. I know some just realized how old they are, others are sad a wonderful decade is over.

Know that I understand your pain. The '90s feel like it was just 10 years ago, but let me remind you, it was over 30 years ago.

Let that sink in. We're all fossils.

Where's the time machine when you need one?
