Condo Building President Accused Of Altering HOA Laws To Hinder Tenant's Apartment Sale
This can be kind of a confusing story for a lot of people but ultimately, OP needs help with deciding if they're wrong or not.
- Published in Interesting
We're back today with yet another awesome Reddit post from the AITA thread that we love to cover all the time. This thread is one that many people come to in order to see if they are in the wrong for what they did or said in a situation.
This thread is the perfect place to go if you're looking to get more unbiased advice or just opinions from people that don't know you or anyone in your story. With this being said, we are looking into a post today that was submitted by a person who is going through some changes with the condo and building that they're living in.
Ultimately, the issue is with the other tenants who are living there and trying to sell their property. Essentially, OP wants to know if they're in the wrong because of the way that the other tenants are reacting.
Ultimately, this story can be a little bit confusing, but as you read the comments, you'll understand more of what's going on and why OP wants to know if they're in the wrong or not. So if you're interested in hearing more about the story and seeing the full post, plus all of the best comments, then keep on reading as we dive into all of it.
OP's post starts off by explaining the situation at large and telling us that they are switching things up with their HOA agreement.
u/Stressed_new_hireThis is when they explain the situation with the person who is living next door to OP and they're explaining that she's obviously not happy about the changes.
u/Stressed_new_hirePeople were immediately wondering about HOA and just how serious the laws within them can be but turns out they are actually pretty serious.
BenynRudhOP explains more on the bylaws and just the rules that are set in place and how they decided on the issues with renters.
Stressed_new_hireIt seems that there is a lot going on here and a lot of things that haven't really been taken care of or discussed.
BenyRudhIt does seem bad because there's not much of a reason to deny renters especially if they are paying money to stay there, then they should be held to the same.
Reasonable-Ad-3605OP seems like they were trying to keep things fair but it doesn't seem to have worked out in their favor for this one.
Stressed_new_hirePeople felt like OP was not in the right for this and that this maybe wasn't the best way for them to handle this.
Reasonable-Ad-3605OP claims that they didn't really think it would affect everyone and that they were just looking into their resources.
Prudent_Fold190Someone gave a bit of a suggestion on what they could do for renters but it seems that this might not be in OP's favor.
Accomplished_Two1611This comment shares exactly how we feel to the point. Very short and sweet but tells OP exactly how they feel.
IamThe0neWhoKnoxIt really seems like people were telling OP that they were in the wrong for this and we have to agree. They definitely should have had more of a conversation and maybe talking to the woman will help her understand what the agreement would be.
What do you think about this situation?