Historians Reveal The Best Ways History Waved Their Metaphorical Middle Finger In The Air

Fifteen ways history has outlined epic f#$ck you moments

  • Published in Funny
Historians Reveal The Best Ways History Waved Their  Metaphorical Middle Finger In The Air

If you've ever had the thought cross, "people are a$$holes", know that you aren't alone in that perception.

Also know, that even in history, people were d!cks too. So although the world has changed significantly, one thing has stayed the same. Petty people and their a$$hole tendencies.

If you're a history buff, you might have heard about some of these moments. If you aren't, surely you'll get a good chuckle out of them. And who knows, maybe they'll give you that push to dive into history.

Either way, you can't deny that the metaphorical middle finger was raised high in history, and the moments outlined here are without a doubt perfectly timed.

At the very least, I hope these give you some food for thoughts on possible future petty endeavors.

Learn from history folks! ;)

1. Honesty is the best policy, right?

1. Honesty is the best policy, right?

2. Well, they just defined privateers and pirates exactly.

2. Well, they just defined privateers and pirates exactly.

3. Prevail!

3. Prevail!

4. We do not care about you sir.

4. We do not care about you sir.

5. See yourself to the window.

5. See yourself to the window.

6. Touché.

6. Touché.

7. A show off is well, a show off.

7. A show off is well, a show off.

8. Zero forgiveness here.

8. Zero forgiveness here.

9. Steer clear of the fallout!

9. Steer clear of the fallout!

10. Even in history people were a$$holes.

10. Even in history people were a$$holes.

11. Proof adrenaline can be it's own superpower.

11. Proof adrenaline can be it's own superpower.

12. Well that was easier than expected.

12. Well that was easier than expected.

13. His idea backfired.

13. His idea backfired.

14. Big dick energy LOL.

14. Big dick energy LOL.

15. Stop trying to win, you will not win. I will win.

15. Stop trying to win, you will not win. I will win.