HR Manager Refuses To Hire Job Applicant With Pronouns In Their Bio
"I’m going to assume you’re obviously very liberal. I’m going to assume you’re not a very hard worker."

Today, many people are comfortable residing within their echo chambers, only exposing themselves to information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs. As a result, they have no need to engage with, understand, or even acknowledge differing perspectives. This phenomenon is not exclusive to any particular group or demographic, as individuals from all walks of life appear to be retreating into their realities.
The problem with this trend is that it creates a divide between people, making it challenging to establish common ground and work together toward a shared goal. Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, conservatives, LGBTQ+, Proud Boys, and everyone in between is guilty of this behavior, making it difficult to achieve unity and cohesion in society.
The desire to seek out and consume information that reinforces our beliefs and worldview is a natural inclination, and it is not necessarily negative. However, when we become so entrenched in our thoughts that we refuse to consider other perspectives, we limit our potential for growth and progress. This is particularly problematic regarding political ideologies, as it can lead to extreme polarization and a lack of willingness to compromise.
Observe this video attached to the tweet. Are you aware of your personal biases? Although the video's creator is a liberal woman (@emilysavesusa), it was tweeted by a more conservative man, resulting in a wide range of reactions and comments from viewers with varying perspectives.
In the video, the woman recounts an interview she recently had with an extremely impolite HR manager.

The HR manager assumed that she was a liberal and made several negative assumptions about her character, such as being lazy, entitled, and likely to complain.
This is a significant burden to place on someone you have just met, and although it's understandable not to want such a person in your workplace, it's unfair to generalize an entire group of people in this way. If all liberals fit this stereotype, the world would be in even more disarray than it currently is.
The comments on the video, which was posted on a more conservative account, reflect a similar viewpoint. However, because the video has gone viral, it has reached a more extensive audience. While Twitter may not be the best platform for meaningful conversation, this is a discussion that all sides should engage in.
2. This is going to heal this divided country

3. This is the tweet:
4. The comments have a conservative slant

5. Very likely

6. This person said:

7. Another level:

8. A lot of assumptions

9. How?

10. What do liberals say?

11. Facts

12. Legal actions

13. Wrong beliefs?

In an ideal world, there would be no discrimination in hiring based on factors such as race, gender, age, or disability. However, in reality, conscious or unconscious biases can often influence hiring decisions, leading to discrimination against certain individuals or groups.
It's important for organizations to take steps to eliminate these biases and ensure fair and equal opportunities for all candidates. At the same time, it's also crucial to consider the qualifications, experience, and skills of each candidate, as these factors should ultimately be the basis for hiring decisions.
