50 Hilarious Work Memes You Might Not Want To Browse During Office Hours

Brought To You by "Humorous Resources"

50 Hilarious Work Memes You Might Not Want To Browse During Office Hours

We all know work can be frustrating sometimes, right? Well, there's this guy named W. Edwards Deming who had a really interesting idea.

He said that when things go wrong at work, most of the time (about 94 out of 100 times), it's not just one person's fault. It's because there's something wrong with the way things are set up. Only a small part of the time (around 6 out of 100 times), it's because someone did something odd.

So, what Deming means is that if we want to make work better, we should focus on fixing the way things work overall, not just blaming one person. But here's the catch – these changes don't happen quickly.

Let's take a look at this funny magazine on social media called 'Humorous Resources.' It shares jokes about all the annoying things we all face at work. You know, like those never-ending email chains or things mysteriously vanishing from the office.

These jokes tell us something important – there are bigger issues behind them. They're like hints telling us that there might be problems in how work is organized.

Deming's idea helps us understand that instead of only looking at what one person did wrong, we should look at the whole situation. This way, we can make a work environment where everyone can do their best.

Ready for some workplace memes?

Ready for some workplace memes?Pexels

1. Pizza party

1. Pizza partyhumorous_resources

2. Proud or scare

2. Proud or scarehumorous_resources

3. Simple, and to the point.

3. Simple, and to the point.humorous_resources

4. Auto text response

4. Auto text responsehumorous_resources

5. I’m so mature

5. I’m so maturehumorous_resources

6. Did it help at all ?

6. Did it help at all ?humorous_resources

7. Stop apologizing

7. Stop apologizinghumorous_resources

8. Love that!

8. Love that!humorous_resources

9. God bless you, Joi Childs

9. God bless you, Joi Childshumorous_resources

10. Door policy

10. Door policyhumorous_resources

11. Send an email so I can think about it

11. Send an email so I can think about ithumorous_resources

12. For the purposes of this conversation

12. For the purposes of this conversationhumorous_resources

13. Hilarious

13. Hilarioushumorous_resources

14. Best explanation of gross pay ever

14. Best explanation of gross pay everhumorous_resources

15. Absolutely

15. Absolutelyhumorous_resources

16. One of us is paid for decisions

16. One of us is paid for decisionshumorous_resources

17. Polite bow

17. Polite bowhumorous_resources

18. All tasks can be managed in the morning.

18. All tasks can be managed in the morning.humorous_resources

19. Whitest Whites

19. Whitest Whitesthetelltalememe

20. Trip to work

20. Trip to workhumorous_resources

21. Love this idea

21. Love this ideahumorous_resources

22. Love it!

22. Love it!humorous_resources

23. Very coercive

23. Very coercivehumorous_resources

24. Eternal rest.

24. Eternal rest.humorous_resources

25. True

25. Truehumorous_resources

26. Magical

26. Magicalhumorous_resources

27. Oh the good ol' days

27. Oh the good ol' dayshumorous_resources

28. What a boss!

28. What a boss!humorous_resources

29. Seriously

29. Seriouslyhumorous_resources

30. Nothing on a corporate account is private.

30. Nothing on a corporate account is private.humorous_resources

31. Note to self...

31. Note to self...humorous_resources

32. Pros and cons

32. Pros and conshumorous_resources

33. Risky enough

33. Risky enoughhumorous_resources

34. Sad but true

34. Sad but truehumorous_resources

35. Next candidate please!

35. Next candidate please!humorous_resources

36. Take contribution to the meeting

36. Take contribution to the meetinghumorous_resources

37. Create to-do list.

37. Create to-do list.humorous_resources

38. The plant didn't make it because it lacked a sense of belonging

38. The plant didn't make it because it lacked a sense of belonginghumorous_resources

39. I’m comfy

39. I’m comfyhumorous_resources

40. Dead inside

40. Dead insidehumorous_resources

41. Isn't this Normal?

41. Isn't this Normal?humorous_resources

42. Always!

42. Always!humorous_resources

43. He never came back

43. He never came backhumorous_resources

44. Good thinking!

44. Good thinking!humorous_resources

45. So true!

45. So true!humorous_resources

46. My hero

46. My herohumorous_resources

47. Oh sweet Home-Office...

47. Oh sweet Home-Office...humorous_resources

48. The panic is real

48. The panic is realhumorous_resources

49. Perfect

49. Perfecthumorous_resources

50. Seems fair.

50. Seems fair.humorous_resources

In the end, Deming's smart idea still matters a lot today. By fixing the bigger problems that mess up how work happens, we can make work smoother and everyone happier.

The jokes might give us a good laugh, but they also remind us that there's a better way to do things. We can work together to solve real problems and make work a lot better for everyone.
