Hilarious Warzone Memes To Make Your Day Just That Little Bit Better

From videos to inside gamer humour, you don't have to look far for an amusing relation to the game.

Pia Vosloo
  • Published in Gaming
Hilarious Warzone Memes To Make Your Day Just That Little Bit Better

With Warzones player base clocking in at about 18 million, it's no surprise that it's currently the most famous battle royale game. The new sensation has had its run-in with concerns of glitches and hacking. On the contrary, it continues to grow, which improves any snags players may face.

Anything nowadays that peaks in popularity there is sure to be a lot to discuss. From videos to inside gamer humour, you don't have to look far for an amusing relation to the game. With memes becoming a big part of online culture, here's a list of some of the funniest ones going around!

The Worth of Friendship

Helping out a friend comes with a cost, an expensive one at that.

The Worth of Friendship

Helping out a friend comes with a cost, an expensive one at that.

There's always that one teammate who needs a little extra help. With the rest of the team gathering enough cash to repurchase their comrade, it's a bittersweet reunion.

Helping out a friend comes with a cost, an expensive one at that.

Gulag Veteran

Whether gamers are pro or newcomers, everyone eventually falls victim to the Gulag. Some, of course, more than others

Gulag Veteran

Defying Death

Winning a match is undoubtedly a victory but surviving death and being revived has its own sweet taste.

Defying Death

Ruff Ryde

DMX was the artist whose song Ruff Ryders was featured in the game. Sadly there's no Gulag in real life.

Ruff Ryde

Over Correctors

It's always good to at least try, but sometimes when things don't go as planned, it's good to have a backup.

Over Correctors

Heavy Load

Most players can relate, especially when their friend decides to start playing for the first time. Often gamers will pick up the slack of a comrade.

Heavy Load

Cover Blown

The stress that comes from being the last few is intense. Moving around and trying to be as quiet as possible is sure to have players holding their breath. So having a teammate give away the team's location is undeniably frustrating.

Cover Blown

Gift from Above

Waiting for loadout drops in the game can sometimes be a bloodbath as players fight to get there first. That's why it's better to call on your own.

Gift from Above


Grateful can be an understatement when fellow teammates work hard to buy your freedom from the Gulag


Lucky Living

Escaping the doomsday ring is a stressful rush. Many players fall victim, if caught outside. However, sometimes luck can be on a player's side if they happen to make a base or are already in the safe zone.

Lucky Living

First Secondary Choice

With over 100 guns in Warzone, it's not uncommon for players to have a favourite. The X16 is, however, one of the most powerful with the right setup.

First Secondary Choice

Time to Move Out!

Players are assigned roles to play by the team. With snipers trying their best to find good spots to lay low, being spotted can compromise the team's position.

Time to Move Out!

Accidental Bullseye

Aiming can sometimes be hit or miss. It's even trickier as a sniper, so it takes a few tries before getting the sweet spot.

Accidental Bullseye

No Rest for the Wicked

This duo can be a player's nightmare. There's little hope for the player on the receiving end if used correctly.

No Rest for the Wicked

Switching it Up

While trying to balance the guns in Warzone, it doesn't take long until the players switch to the next best thing.

Switching it Up

Fight or Flight

Warzone contains some pretty intense weapons. So it's not too long until players learn to recognise the sound of infinite danger.

Fight or Flight

Late to the Party

Playing together with friends is a great way to have fun. More so if you're actually with them.

Late to the Party

Got to be Sure

Being a place where it's do or die, people tend to have a hard time letting go and getting back to reality.

Got to be Sure

There's No Age Limit on Fun

Gaming isn't going away anytime soon, and neither are the players!

There's No Age Limit on Fun


Getting excited to play games with your friends can sometimes be short-lived when they don't share the same deviation.


Quick Cash

Plunder mode allows teams to battle it out for a large sum of money.

Quick Cash

Decisions, Decisions...

It's known that there are hiccups in the game but sometimes prioritising what matters can get a little overlooked.

Decisions, Decisions...

Intrusive Thoughts

Everybody has late-night thoughts before sleeping. But, for gamers, they can be a little different. Plotting strategies are definitely on the list.

Intrusive Thoughts


Nerfing guns to try to ensure fair gameplay. Unfortunately, the maths can sometimes be a little or a lot off.

Pia Vosloo