Hilarious Twitter Thread Follows The Most Millenial Break Up Ever Seen

What's hard but interesting to watch? Two strangers breaking up. What makes it funny? A toilet.

  • Published in Funny
Hilarious Twitter Thread Follows The Most Millenial Break Up Ever Seen

Below we see an innocent man living out his life as any normal person would, until the unexpected happens to brighten not only his day, but many many others, thanks to the internet.

A couple, or should I say, ex-couple and their open toilet window made their break up not only public, but as it so happens, hilarious. Once you read what this girl dealt with in the face of her breakup you might feel bad for her, or could focus on the instant karma her boyfriend was dealt, and just laugh and enjoy it.

I personally, am choosing to enjoy it...

So here is where the story began: Out of no where a bloody curdling scream... From a toilet.

So here is where the story began: Out of no where a bloody curdling scream... From a toilet.

So it turns out the scream was in fact, a male, of undetermined age, mourning the loss of his phone.

So it turns out the scream was in fact, a male, of undetermined age, mourning the loss of his phone.

And I bet you're wondering: What is he going to do?

And I bet you're wondering: What is he going to do?

So maybe his girlfriend is a genius? Just flush it! Wash it off! But no, it's not that easy.

So maybe his girlfriend is a genius? Just flush it! Wash it off! But no, it's not that easy.

What happened in this sudden silence, we may never know... Wait, I think I can figure it out.

What happened in this sudden silence, we may never know... Wait, I think I can figure it out.

Wait... She never hung up? GIRL WHY?

Wait... She never hung up? GIRL WHY?

My favorite part of all of this so far: *Sobbing*

My favorite part of all of this so far: *Sobbing*

Thank this wonderful for sharing this story with us. He has made many peoples days seem much less ... Crappy.

Thank this wonderful for sharing this story with us. He has made many peoples days seem much less ... Crappy.

And just for those of you who are seasoned skeptics: He uploaded a picture of the scene of the crime! Sort of, at least.

And just for those of you who are seasoned skeptics: He uploaded a picture of the scene of the crime! Sort of, at least.