45 Hilarious Text Messages That Practically Beg To Be Shared

Texting bloopers, auto-correct fails, and visible brain farts are simply the best...

  • Published in Funny
45 Hilarious Text Messages That Practically Beg To Be Shared

We have come a long way since the phone was invented. But who is to say if it is for better or worse?

Today's kids don't know what it's like to spend hours on the phone talking to everyone about everything. Once the phone call with your crush was over, you would call your friends to tell them about it.

And there were no conference calls back then. You would tell everything to each friend individually.

Makes you wonder how we had time to eat, sleep and go to school. The communication patterns have changed since then, and kids today rely mostly on messages and emoticons.

And occasional voice messages. But this limits the conversation and leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation.

Globally, 2.25 billion people used mobile phone messaging apps in 2018, with that number predicted to rise to 3.5 billion by 2025.

The statement "everyone's texting" isn't an exaggeration. However, limiting an exchange to symbols might be difficult.

Things are bound to get (a little) chaotic when there's so little holding a conversation together. Funny Texts, an Instagram account, is a great illustration of this.

It is dedicated to sharing weird and funny messages. We have picked 45 of the most interesting ones. Take a look:

1. Wife and daughter?

1. Wife and daughter?fun.ny_texts

2. Pay attention!

2. Pay attention!fun.ny_texts

3. Well, it was quite an achievement.

3. Well, it was quite an achievement. fun.ny_texts

4. That's a nice name...

4. That's a nice name...fun.ny_texts

5. Don't get too close...

5. Don't get too close...fun.ny_texts

6. Just like God

6. Just like Godfun.ny_texts

7. Not all heroes wear capes...

7. Not all heroes wear capes...fun.ny_texts

8. I made you...

8. I made you...fun.ny_texts

9. Splat!

9. Splat!fun.ny_texts

10. Wouldn't pick you if I had a choice...

10. Wouldn't pick you if I had a choice...fun.ny_texts

11. No one home...

11. No one home...fun.ny_texts

12. No longer invited... You can work on improving your grammar while you are sitting home alone

12. No longer invited... You can work on improving your grammar while you are sitting home alonefun.ny_texts

13. Take a guess

13. Take a guessfun.ny_texts

14. Gotcha!

14. Gotcha!fun.ny_texts

Every region has its favorite network for chatting. But, interestingly, the United States is one of the few big countries where SMS, the texting technology remains a standard way to chat.

America's SMS exceptionalism has its pros and cons. The main benefits of SMS are that it works on almost any phone, and people are not constricted to one company.

However, the bad side is that SMS has security flaws, and it lacks features of modern chat apps like notifications that your friend has read your message or the ability to start a video call from a text.

15. I don't know...

15. I don't know...fun.ny_texts

16. Amen

16. Amenfun.ny_texts

17. Oh, mom

17. Oh, momfun.ny_texts

18. No!

18. No!fun.ny_texts

19. Better late than never

19. Better late than neverfun.ny_texts

20. Damn you, iPod

20. Damn you, iPodfun.ny_texts

21. Back from Narnia

21. Back from Narniafun.ny_texts

22. Let me know when you find your phone

22. Let me know when you find your phonefun.ny_texts

23. Nice knowing you...

23. Nice knowing you...fun.ny_texts

24. Nice one...

24. Nice one...fun.ny_texts

25. Something worse...

25. Something worse...fun.ny_texts

26. Don't shake your drink

26. Don't shake your drinkfun.ny_texts

27. That poor guy...

27. That poor guy...fun.ny_texts

28. Not good

28. Not goodfun.ny_texts

29. Just shut up!

29. Just shut up!fun.ny_texts

30. Flying phone

30. Flying phonefun.ny_texts

31. Hi, sis

31. Hi, sisfun.ny_texts

32. Apple juice

32. Apple juicefun.ny_texts

33. Plural and expensive.

33. Plural and expensive. fun.ny_texts

34. I will be there too...

34. I will be there too... fun.ny_texts

35. I gotchu

35. I gotchufun.ny_texts

36. The best protection...

36. The best protection...fun.ny_texts

37. That's where accident happen...

37. That's where accident happen...fun.ny_texts

38. North Quadrant...

38. North Quadrant...fun.ny_texts

39. Oh, that's nice. Now send it to that special someone...

39. Oh, that's nice. Now send it to that special someone...fun.ny_texts

40. Bad start...

40. Bad start...fun.ny_texts

41. Block.

41. Block.fun.ny_texts

42. Indiana. Not India. Indiana

42. Indiana. Not India. Indianafun.ny_texts

43. Sorry grandma

43. Sorry grandmafun.ny_texts

44. Anna, help

44. Anna, helpfun.ny_texts

45. Go cheat. I am playing a game...

45. Go cheat. I am playing a game...fun.ny_texts

What can we say, people, love to chat. And we are so happy that they do.

We’ve enjoyed going through these messages so much. Texting has changed the world and the way we communicate.

But there is a downside. We communicate faster now and try to say more with fewer words.

And that takes its toll on our vocabulary.
