10+ Funny Photos of Children Who Were Definitely Not Excited To Meet Santa

Priceless family memories.

  • Published in Funny
10+ Funny Photos of Children Who Were Definitely Not Excited To Meet Santa

Sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what you want for Christmas is a timeless Christmas tradition. Most of us today cannot recall a year we didn't have this experience. What is up for debate, however, is whether or not the memory and experience ever was or ever will be enjoyable. Based on the hysterical amount of photos that exist we're inclined to wonder how this tradition lingers on, other than for the amusement of parents everywhere.

Essentially, photos of sitting on Santa's lap are historically and presently failures. Screaming, crying, not smiling, peeing... you name it. Kids love Santa until the moment they're going to sit in his holly-jolly lap. Then it's horrifying. And for the rest of us? We find some sick humor in it. Few things will make you laugh this Christmas season as hard as these Santa Photo Fails will!

1. Santa must be looking towards mom...

He's wondering, "can I let her go or not?"1. Santa must be looking towards mom...Popsugar

2. Well of course he's upset!

Santa isn't wearing his hat.2. Well of course he's upset!Popsugar

3. Santa the good sport!

With a very, very unhappy baby.3. Santa the good sport!Buzzfeed

4. This moment of "yikes" brought to you by:

The North Pole, duh!4. This moment of Buzzfeed

5. Awkward!

These faces are a priceless memory, though.5. Awkward!Buzzfeed

6. Tis the season!

To scream and cry on Santa's lap.6. Tis the season!Redtri

7. Her face says it all

She's used to this from her siblings by now. Such is life as the oldest.7. Her face says it allBuzzfeed

8. Ho, Ho, Howdy!

Even cowboy Santa scares the kids.8. Ho, Ho, Howdy!Redtri

9. The Santa Cycle

Stage 1: Unsure; Stage 2: Terrified; Stage 3: Complacent; Stage 4: Happiness9. The Santa CycleRedtri

10. If all else fails, go for the high-five!

Even the kid crying the hardest will high-five anyone, Santa included. It's too fun to resist.10. If all else fails, go for the high-five!Redtri

11. ...Santa?

This is one that kid probably wishes didn't exist.11. ...Santa?The Sun

12. Busted!

I think she knows it's not Santa.12. Busted!The Sun

13. Seems questionable to me...

Maybe Santa still has time to win her over.13. Seems questionable to me...The Chron

14. Save me, Mama!

Don't leave me with Santa of all people.14. Save me, Mama!The Chron

15. Oh no!

I don't think baby expected to look up and see Santa!15. Oh no!Pinterest

16. Something must smell bad.

And if it isn't baby's diaper it must be Santa.16. Something must smell bad.Buzzfeed

17. Smile? No? Okay.

We've got one kid tolerating the photo (at best) and the other kid screaming bloody murder. Impressive!17. Smile? No? Okay.Buzzfeed

18. "Save me, momma!"

At least Santa is staying chipper through the chaos.18. Today Show

19. ...And then there's this.

This is our gift to you this Christmas. You're welcome.19. ...And then there's this.Buzzfeed