50 Hilarious Headlines To Spark A Good Laugh

Headlines have reached a point where they are simply ridiculous.

50 Hilarious Headlines To Spark A Good Laugh

A good headline should be concise, direct, and attention-grabbing. It should also be relevant to the article's content and make the reader want to learn more.

A bad headline is a complete opposite. And there is a third category - hilarious.

They are so crazy that you can't believe anyone dared publish them online for the whole world to see. Unfortunately, some people will come up with outrageous headlines just to get clicks.

This practice is known as "clickbait" and is often used by websites to generate more traffic. Every time you see a headline, you may be wondering to yourself what is true and what is false.

For example, a story about a goat marrying a boat after their owner was abducted by aliens may seem too outlandish to be true, while the idea of healthcare becoming free for all may seem too good to be true. Thankfully, there is a Twitter page called "Insane Internet Headlines," which has compiled some of the craziest news headlines that make you question what kind of planet we live on.

These headlines can be funny, shocking, or simply unbelievable. Feel free to upvote your favorites, leave a comment, or even write your own "insane headline" to see how it looks!

1.Oh, my

1.Oh, myIIHeadlines

2. Wrong number

2. Wrong numberIIHeadlines

3. Poor thing

3. Poor thingIIHeadlines

4. Sounds like some husbands...

4. Sounds like some husbands...IIHeadlines

5. True love

5. True loveIIHeadlines

6. I will se me in court!

6. I will se me in court!IIHeadlines

7. Tickets to heaven

7. Tickets to heavenIIHeadlines

8. Tough luck

8. Tough luckIIHeadlines

9. 3+4=7

9. 3+4=7IIHeadlines

10. Double revenge

10. Double revengeIIHeadlines

11. Youthful marriages

11. Youthful marriagesIIHeadlines

12. Dedicated kid

12. Dedicated kidIIHeadlines

13. Long Yahtzee game

13. Long Yahtzee gameIIHeadlines

14. Domination

14. DominationIIHeadlines

15. Oh

15. OhIIHeadlines

16. Good girl

16. Good girlIIHeadlines

17. Employee of the month

17. Employee of the monthIIHeadlines

18. More sad news...

18. More sad news...IIHeadlines

19. Wow

19. WowIIHeadlines

20. Oh

20. OhIIHeadlines

21. He deserves it

21. He deserves itIIHeadlines

22. Wow

22. WowIIHeadlines

23. Be careful, people

23. Be careful, peopleIIHeadlines

24. Scream inside your heart

24. Scream inside your heartIIHeadlines

25. Ouch

25. OuchIIHeadlines

26. Maybe some day

26. Maybe some dayIIHeadlines

27. 51 years

27. 51 yearsIIHeadlines

28. How do they know?

28. How do they know?IIHeadlines

29. Nasty

29. NastyIIHeadlines

30. You think?

30. You think?IIHeadlines

31. Go Dolly

31. Go DollyIIHeadlines

32. All those calories need to be burned

32. All those calories need to be burnedIIHeadlines

33. Win

33. WinIIHeadlines

34. That's... well, i don't know what to say...

34. That's... well, i don't know what to say...IIHeadlines

35. Sad...

35. Sad...IIHeadlines

36. Go Rambo!

36. Go Rambo!IIHeadlines

37. Soulmates

37. SoulmatesIIHeadlines

38. Not weird at all

38. Not weird at allIIHeadlines

39. Job well done

39. Job well doneIIHeadlines

40. A full life

40. A full lifeIIHeadlines

41. CSI star

41. CSI starIIHeadlines

42. What?

42. What?IIHeadlines

43. Can you blame us? We've all met humans....

43. Can you blame us? We've all met humans....IIHeadlines

44. Why bolded?

44. Why bolded?IIHeadlines

45. This pig has a drinking problem

45. This pig has a drinking problemIIHeadlines

46. Payback time

46. Payback timeIIHeadlines

47. He had enough

47. He had enoughIIHeadlines

48. Didn't think it through

48. Didn't think it throughIIHeadlines

49. Well done

49. Well doneIIHeadlines

50. Drugs and prostitutes are good reasons to live?

50. Drugs and prostitutes are good reasons to live?IIHeadlines

We can all agree that online headlines have reached a point where they are often over-the-top, sensationalized, and heavily biased. This is done in an effort to capture readers' attention and draw in more clicks.

As a result, it has become increasingly difficult for readers to distinguish fact from fiction.
