50 Cute But Funny Cat Names That Always Make Vets Laugh And It'll Do The Same For You
Even animals can have titles that raise eyebrows

Everyday, people are looking for "unique" names to give their children. We frequently hear about infants being given bizarre names by their parents or names that were given to them creatively.
But it turns out that even animals can have titles that raise eyebrows—if not those of their own species, then at least those of their veterinarians. At least, that's what this popular Twitter conversation suggests.
All this started when Brittany Means, an author and editor from Albuquerque, New Mexico wrote this her Twitter page:
"One of my greatest joys in life is when Jeff calls the vet to make an appointment and they ask for his name, and he says, Jeff. Then, they ask for our cat's name, and I watch him gather his strength before he tells them, Baby Jeff.”
Many pet owners out there were all too familiar with this, so they seized the chance to use the thread as an opportunity to poke fun at the names of their furry friends. Especially when it's time for a medical visit.
Still, it's crucial to avoid naming your cat anything that might offend someone else when it comes to naming your furball. Keep scrolling and enjoy the viral Twitter thread below.
1. Everyone meet Captain Puff Puff

2. This cat owner believes they love the cat more because of his name

3. Oreo Speedwagon

4. This must really be a great vet

5. When you have cats called fattie and thinnie

6. Her Royal Highness is due for her shots

7. Regular and Ethel are blood donors

8. Little Sherri is a talkative

9. A cat named Jeff

10. Gathering the strength to tell them your cat's name

11. Acting as shocked as you can when you already know the truth

12. The one eyed wonder cat, Rodriguez

13. Meet our little sith lord

14. When your cat's name is Chicken

15. Hey, I'd like to book The Terrorist for an appointment

16. The other cars named Jeff

17. The cat has a certificate and it serves as proof

18. Coconut Squirrel it is

19. LoL... you're automatically married to your cat

20. How do we get a last name change?

21. Adding the "miss" is very important

22. Calling to make a follow up appointment

23. The cat is a gentleman

24. Chicken Nugget looks very cute

25. He looks like his name

26. Hey, your name is now Hoover

27. Lord? Lord Tubbington? I'm laughing already

28. Verified

29. Does Patrick sound funny as a cat name?

30. I like the name too

31. We're having Power Ranger in today

32. Mister Daisy... Cute

33. When your cat is a doctor of love

34. You can clearly see the bond

35. The name is already sending me places

36. Cone here, my Duchess Bean Bag

37. The "Mr" is important

38. LoL.. I'd laugh too

39. Okay, I'm leaving now

40. Enjoy this short story

41. From an adult with two degrees

42. Wait, what did I just read???

43. He is the King

44. Oh my goodness

45. That's a cute cat

46. Hey Hamster

47. I luff her too

48. David is quite the lady

49. Jesse Jackson

50. Meet my cat, boobs

Choose a name for your cat that makes you happy or something you adore. Your cat cannot understand English, so he is unaware of the significance of his or her name.
Cats pick up on their names fairly rapidly, giving you a chance to command their attention. Drop your own funny cat names below and share this post too.