Viral Reddit Thread Reveals Jobs That Require Little Work But Pay Well, And Here Are 25 Of Them
Yes, hard work pays, but not if you land a high-paying, simple job.
- Published in Interesting
Work isn’t always enjoyable. Regardless of the type of employment, some people only work to make money.
As a result, even if the majority of individuals dislike their jobs, they continue to do their work. There is no such thing as the ideal, stress-free job; all professions, roles, and career paths involve some level of dealing with stress at work.
However, certain jobs undoubtedly have a lower tendency to be stressful than others. The good news is that a job doesn't necessarily pay less just because it has less stress involved.
There are many high-paying, low-stress occupations available that can support you in building a successful career. Therefore, if you've been considering how to land a high-paying position that doesn't make you want to yank your hair out every day, then you’re highly welcome.
Yes, hard work pays, but not if you land a high-paying, simple job. Due to their rarity, locating one can seem like a full-time job in and of itself.
Not anymore, largely because of this popular AskReddit thread. People were asked to list the jobs that are simple to do but pay well.
If you despise your job, you might want to start looking for positions similar to those described below. So if you’re one of those people who gets tired just thinking about work, this article might help you modify your aspirations in life.
Here is the question which was thrown to the redditors
u/ThxOkByeIndeed, the reddit thread got viral as people trooped in to drop their replies. Here are some of them below:
1. A job of watching paint dry
Wilgrove2. Security guard in any remote area pays well
NeatNo98923. The local police department
lurker715394. This Limo driver makes cool cash every hour
BaldGuyLimo5. Escorting at government facilities
yoyogogo1116. Being one of my coworkers pays well???
Browndog5107. Being a down bridge operator
SnowMakesMeWet8. Basically saying these three words makes you rich in millions
uniquely_Darkly9. Having a job as a massage model
PhillipAHammock10. Being a rice grader fetches you money
unknownsliver11. Starting in heavy equipment operation isn't hard work
AJackOffAllTrade12. For this Redditor, it's waste water or water treatment
Illustrous_potentate13. Being part of the Austin City Council
JohnMcClanewithshoes14. Having an established relationship with the suppliers
Angelfire15015. Working in corporate America
Purple182916. When you're working in Traffic Control
gabs-the-rat17. You and your clients having a close relationship
Hellrazor3218. Getting paid for what you know and not what you do
samwoo2go19. Being a locksmith pays well
PJMurphy20. A job at Lockheed Martin or Boeing requiring no sleep
honeybadger198421. Being told to literally warm the bench
MickeyMoist22. Being a claim associate statefarm
Modernglib23. Being an overnight concierge at a luxury apartment
imVision24. Government contracting jobs
Subtractt25. Those who give out samples at Costco
Surprise_CorgiContrary to popular belief, not everyone aspires to work for a corporation in a tall building. Indeed, a lot of individuals would prefer a simple, well-paying job that didn't require them to work in an office cubicle.
But what really makes a task simple? That's entirely up to the individual, but generally speaking, it means having a comfortable, low-stress, and fun role.