People Share Times When They Found Hidden Spy Cameras In Everyday Objects
Smile, you’re on candid camera. And you have no rights, apparently.

With the technology progressing at a speed we couldn’t even imagine a couple of years ago, protecting our privacy is getting to be more and more challenging. The almighty Internet, WiFi networks everywhere, and cameras that could fit anywhere are a dream come true for any person wanting to invade our privacy.
There’s an increasing trend of people finding hidden cameras all around vacation rentals, Airbnbs, and other private areas. The best way to fight against such intrusion of privacy is by knowing where to find them.
The way things are going, courses about spy camera removal will be selling better than pottery and dancing classes. People share photos of spy cameras they’ve discovered, and we have selected some of the most interesting.
Take a look; maybe they will give you some idea about how to protect your privacy.
1. "Found A Hidden Camera In Airbnb Disguised As A Charger"

2. "Hidden Spy Camera In A Screw Head"

3. Hidden in a photo frame

Lina Survila, a global tech PR and chief editor at Abstract Stylist, stated that with growing concerns on covert cameras in Airbnbs, the cybersecurity industry faces a big challenge. "People's concerns about being watched in inappropriate situations may lead to new regulations."
But Lina stated that "there's not much that we can do when it comes to rentals until then." She suggests building self-awareness about the topic on your own. For instance, "if you have a suspicion of being watched in private areas like the bedroom, bathroom, or any other areas (Airbnbs, hotels, etc.), look for hidden cameras first."
4. "In "Oh, That's A Thing Now" News, A Colleague Of Mine Thought It Odd That There Was A Single "Motion Detector" In His Airbnb In The Bedroom And Voila, It's An Ip Camera Connected To The Web. (He Left At 3am, Reported, Host Is Suspended, Colleague Got Refund.)"

5. "Family Discovers Hidden Camera Livestreaming In Airbnb, Husband Was The Man Who Found The Stream"

6. A shopping mall toilet in Russia…

Lina mentioned a couple of tactics, like “turning off your light and looking for blinking small dots or searching for radiofrequency disturbances during calls.”
She also cautioned people to be aware that concealed cameras can be found attached or integrated into items like chargers, frames, mirrors, lamps, and shelves, “Usually, if these cameras are not using wi-fi, you can find an SD card placed inside the camera.”
In case you find a spy camera, Lina suggests reporting this incident to your hotel, Airbnb, or rental provider. “You may find many free apps that help you find hidden cameras, but when installing them, be careful not to give unnecessary permissions, which might lead to exposing all your information to a third party.”
7. "Found This Camera Disguised As A USB Charger In The Woman's Bathroom At The Starbucks I Work At. It Was Plugged In Directly Across From The Toilet. Please Keep An Eye Out!"

8. Camera hidden inside a clock

9. A fake screw head

10. A couple found this in their rental apartment

11. "This Hidden Camera Disguised As A Clock In My Airbnb"

12. Water bottle

13. "Tying Up Stuff In The Hospital Ceiling, Nice Spy Cam Mr. Data Guy..."

14. "Camera Hidden In Pen Holder, With The Lens Seen In The Center Of The Green Sticker"

15. Spy cam notebook

16, "Be Careful When Purchasing An Airbnb"

17. Coffee cup lid

18. There is a micro camera hidden in this electric socket

19. "WiFi Shampoo Hidden Spy Camera"

20. "Inside This Non-Functioning Smoke Detector Is A Hidden Night Vision Hd Camera And Dvr"

21. USB flash drive

22. Wall clock

23. Outlet spy camera
