50 Easter Eggs In Your Favorite Movies That You Missed

These hidden details aren't easy to spot.

50 Easter Eggs In Your Favorite Movies That You Missed

When you're watching a movie you're probably doing it to rewind and relax after. Watching movies is a great way to forget about your troubles and immerse yourself in the world of the movie you're watching.

That said, not everyone is completely relaxed when watching a movie because some people love nothing more than seeking out every hidden easter egg they can find. While we can all appreciate a clever easter egg, they're not easy to spot especially if you're not paying attention to all the details.

That's why we're thankful for the people who analyze movies and make it easy for us to see all the hidden details that movie directors worked hard on. It's needless to say that we were excited when we came across the Film Easter Eggs & Details Twitter account that had a bunch of incredible easter eggs that we never would have spotted.

We had no choice but to share some of the most interesting easter eggs we could find with you. So make sure to scroll down and take a look at everything we prepared.

If this isn't enough for you then can always follow the account on Twitter and show your support there.

1. Starting off with a sad one.

1. Starting off with a sad one.@FilmEasterEggs

2. You gotta make do with what you have.

2. You gotta make do with what you have.@FilmEasterEggs

3. Amazing detail in an amazing movie.

3. Amazing detail in an amazing movie.@FilmEasterEggs

4. Wouldn't have caught that in a million years.

4. Wouldn't have caught that in a million years.@FilmEasterEggs

5. The irony is strong here.

5. The irony is strong here.@FilmEasterEggs

6. Who doesn't love Wolverine?

6. Who doesn't love Wolverine?@FilmEasterEggs

7. Love the attention to detail here.

7. Love the attention to detail here.@FilmEasterEggs

8. Little Hutts.

8. Little Hutts.@FilmEasterEggs

9. Insane attention to detail, but no dogs :(

9. Insane attention to detail, but no dogs :(@FilmEasterEggs

10. The origin of Indiana Jones.

10. The origin of Indiana Jones.@FilmEasterEggs

11. This movie is scattered with super clever easter eggs.

11. This movie is scattered with super clever easter eggs.@FilmEasterEggs

12. Time flies fast.

12. Time flies fast.@FilmEasterEggs

13. The fact he looks back at him is so cool.

13. The fact he looks back at him is so cool.@FilmEasterEggs

14. Absolutely unrecognizable.

14. Absolutely unrecognizable.@FilmEasterEggs

15. A homage to a classic

15. A homage to a classic@FilmEasterEggs

16. Another sad one :(

16. Another sad one :(@FilmEasterEggs

17. The original Ant-Man

17.  The original Ant-Man@FilmEasterEggs

18. The tiniest of details

18. The tiniest of details@FilmEasterEggs

19. Skeleton Pablo

19. Skeleton Pablo@FilmEasterEggs

20. Tony the legend

20. Tony the legend@FilmEasterEggs

21. The whole gang is there

21. The whole gang is there@FilmEasterEggs

22. So immersive

22. So immersive@FilmEasterEggs

23. Another one for Tony

23. Another one for Tony@FilmEasterEggs

24. Coincidence? I don't think so

24. Coincidence? I don't think so@FilmEasterEggs

25. Read the number

25. Read the number@FilmEasterEggs

26. I didn't need to know this

26. I didn't need to know this@FilmEasterEggs

27. Up there with the greats

27. Up there with the greats@FilmEasterEggs

28. He looks so much older

28. He looks so much older@FilmEasterEggs

29. You love to see it.

29. You love to see it.@FilmEasterEggs

30. Meme references yay.

30. Meme references yay.@FilmEasterEggs

31. He deserved it

31. He deserved it@FilmEasterEggs

32. Another homage to a classic.

32. Another homage to a classic.@FilmEasterEggs

33. Nice one, Tim.

33. Nice one, Tim.@FilmEasterEggs

34. Robot Sid

34. Robot Sid@FilmEasterEggs

35. Poor Hermey

35. Poor Hermey@FilmEasterEggs

36. Well of course, they needed the best soldiers.

36. Well of course, they needed the best soldiers.@FilmEasterEggs

37. Our Founder

37. Our Founder@FilmEasterEggs

38. That was a sign for things to come

38. That was a sign for things to come@FilmEasterEggs

39. More homages!

39. More homages!@FilmEasterEggs

40. Clever, but dark.

40. Clever, but dark.@FilmEasterEggs

41. How do you notice these??

41. How do you notice these??@FilmEasterEggs

42. A big glow up

42. A big glow up@FilmEasterEggs

43. A sneaky one

43. A sneaky one@FilmEasterEggs

44. These tiny details just make you appreciate a movie more

44. These tiny details just make you appreciate a movie more@FilmEasterEggs

45. That's so cute

45. That's so cute@FilmEasterEggs

46. A bit grim w

46. A bit grim w@FilmEasterEggs

47. Nothing can hide from these movie analysts

47. Nothing can hide from these movie analysts@FilmEasterEggs

48. Wonder why it was cut out

48. Wonder why it was cut out@FilmEasterEggs

49. Dinner time!

49. Dinner time!@FilmEasterEggs

52. Now that's a talented actor

52. Now that's a talented actor@FilmEasterEggs

51. Caboom!

51. Caboom!@FilmEasterEggs

We're so glad we found this account because seeing all the details you missed in a movie you watched is amazing. It's incredible how much thought is put into these movies and how hard it is to spot something like this.

It's a good thing there are accounts like this or we would probably never notice an easter egg.
