Redditor Asks If She's A**hole For Refusing To Move In With Her Pregnant Sister To Help Raise Her Baby

"Sis wants a servant."

Redditor Asks If She's A**hole For Refusing To Move In With Her Pregnant Sister To Help Raise Her Baby

Pregnancy can be challenging, so it's only natural for an expectant mama to need the support of her family and friends. However, for one Redditor, supporting her sister during her pregnancy is starting to become overwhelming.

Reddit user u/Defiant_Primary_4188 recently shared her story in the r/AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit. She explained that her sister, Leah, is currently pregnant with her first child.       

The OP says they have a good relationship, but they have never been especially close. Leah doesn't drive, which usually isn't a problem because she works from home and doesn't go out much.             

But since Leah's husband left for the Navy, she has been calling the OP for company a lot more often. The Redditor says her sister expects her to take her shopping, help her with chores, rub her feet, and cater to her cravings, but the OP doesn't want to.

The OP hates shopping and finds it exhausting. So she suggested that her sister ask one of her friends to take her.

But Leah says that's not really an option since she has lost touch with most of her friends. The OP told her perhaps she should wait for their mom to take her instead.  

The Redditor told her sister she really doesn't want to spend her days off work driving her around. The OP already takes Leah to all of her appointments, and she doesn't want to get stuck helping her with everything once the baby comes.

The Redditor suggested that Leah should move closer to their parents so that she has more support. But she is refusing, and instead, she wants the OP to move in with her.  

The OP refused, but Leah and their mom were trying to force her to reconsider. The Redditor says it's not her responsibility to take care of her sister and her baby.

But now she's wondering if she's the a**hole here. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The Redditor asked if she's an a**hole for not helping her pregnant sister.

The Redditor asked if she's an a**hole for not helping her pregnant sister.Reddit/Defiant_Primary_4188

She explained that her sister, Leah, is currently pregnant with her first child.

She explained that her sister, Leah, is currently pregnant with her first child.

The OP says they have a good relationship, but they have never been especially close.

The OP says they have a good relationship, but they have never been especially close.

Leah doesn't drive, which usually isn't a problem because she works from home and doesn't go out much.

Leah doesn't drive, which usually isn't a problem because she works from home and doesn't go out much.

But since Leah's husband left for the Navy, she has been calling the OP for company a lot more often.

But since Leah's husband left for the Navy, she has been calling the OP for company a lot more often.

The Redditor says her sister expects a lot of help from her.

The Redditor says her sister expects a lot of help from her.

The OP hates shopping and finds it exhausting.

The OP hates shopping and finds it exhausting.

So she suggested that her sister ask one of her friends to take her.

So she suggested that her sister ask one of her friends to take her.

The OP told her perhaps she should wait for their mom to take her instead.

The OP told her perhaps she should wait for their mom to take her instead.

The Redditor told her sister she really doesn't want to spend her days off work driving her around.

The Redditor told her sister she really doesn't want to spend her days off work driving her around.

The OP doesn't want to get stuck helping her with everything once the baby comes.

The OP doesn't want to get stuck helping her with everything once the baby comes.

The Redditor suggested that Leah should move closer to their parents so that she has more support.

The Redditor suggested that Leah should move closer to their parents so that she has more support.

The OP refused, but Leah and their mom are trying to force her to reconsider.

The OP refused, but Leah and their mom are trying to force her to reconsider.

The Redditor says it's not her responsibility to take care of her sister and her baby.

The Redditor says it's not her responsibility to take care of her sister and her baby.

But now she's wondering if she's the a**hole here.

But now she's wondering if she's the a**hole here.

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/ProfPlumDidIt

They are being selfish.

They are being selfish.Reddit/Unhappy-Obligation52

"Doing chores now = doing chores forever."


She needs to put her big girl pants on.

She needs to put her big girl pants on.Reddit/Character_Chance4504

"Sis wants a servant."


"She can get back in touch with her friends."


"Not your child, not your responsibility."


"Nobody owes anybody else help."


"Leech city!"


What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the OP is being unfair to her sister for refusing to help her, or is Leah being unreasonable in expecting so much help from the OP?

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
