Wife Wants More Help From Husband Around The House Despite Their Conflicting Schedules And Energetic Toddler
This isn't the first post we've seen where a wife wants more help from their husband around the house.

Welcome back to another Reddit post. We are going to be looking at an AITA thread post. These thread posts are quite popular as people usually com eon here to get unbiased opinions and advice from people on the internet.
Sometimes, we have to just trust that someone's outside opinion might be better than asking someone's opinion who knows us or might have a bias toward us. With this being said, today's post is from a woman who wants more help from her husband around the house.
She gives us lots of details on their schedule and situation with their toddler, as well as expressing her needs for help around the house from him. She did add an update, and it seems that they found some sort of solution, at least for now, but it's still interesting to see what people had to say.
We've seen a lot of posts like this before where a partner wants their partner to step up and take on more or do something else, so they're not uncommon, especially on the AITA thread. So, if you're interested in looking into the full post and seeing all of the best comments on it as well, then keep on reading as we dive into the full post and the best comments on it.
OP starts off her post just like others normally would - with details on their situation and why she's making the post.

This is when she gets into more of the details on their schedule and that they have a toddler as well.

This is how they have things set up for naps and how they both get their sleep. It honestly seems complicated though.

If you have had a kid then you know sleeping is very much usually on their time and terms.

She goes into some detail on the housework and how she wants him to do more around the house.

At this point it does just sound like she's venting but if there's a problem hen there's a problem.

We hope that she had a few conversations with her husband before coming to Reddit.

She did post a small update and explained that she talked to him and they reached a little bit of an agreement.

People quickly came to the comments to tell OP that she is NTA here and OP was quick to respond to comments on her post.

We get some more details from OP on what their situation was like before their toddler was born.

This is exactly what we were thinking honestly which is pretty sad but she needs to set some boundaries quick.

OP responded here to answer this commenter's question by telling us how exactly she asks him for help.

Some people said to hire a housekeeper, but honestly, it's just not that accessible for some people.

They are messing up their son's sleep schedule honestly doing it this way and that's what this person is trying to say.

This was OP's response to the comment above speaking about the sleep schedule of her son.

People definitely had a lot to say here, but they basically told OP that she's not in the wrong for asking her husband for more help around the house. Hopefully, they came to an agreement, and they have more of a fair split between what happens in their home and who does what.
