Heartbreaking Picture Of A Dog Dropped Off At An Animal Shelter

It was heartbreaking, to say the least!

Heartbreaking Picture Of A Dog Dropped Off At An Animal Shelter

A one-year-old puppy named Baby was picked off the streets of Northeastern Pennsylvania and was taken to Griffin Pond Animal Shelter. She clearly looks lost and confused finding herself in unfamiliar surroundings and among unfamiliar faces.

This was the moment when the medical manager, P.J. Regan, at Griffin Pond Animal Shelter clicked her picture looking out the door glass. The expressions of despair on her face show how much she is longing for her home.

Heartbreaking picture of Baby looking out

“You could tell she was definitely nervous in the new environment and new surroundings,” Griffin Pond Animal Shelter's executive director, Ashley Wolo, shared with The Dodo. “That picture of her looking out the window of the door kind of looks as if she was waiting for her owner to come through. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.”

Baby was cleaned up properly at the shelter including getting dewormed and getting rid of fleas and ticks. Since she was used to living on the streets, the confines of the kennel dampened her spirits.

Heartbreaking picture of Baby looking out FACEBOOK/P.J. REGAN

Baby at the animal shelter

“There are so many other dogs in our kennel area, so there’s a lot of barking, it’s pretty loud and, of course, it’s stressful,” Wolo told. “When she was outside in our play area, she was a whole different dog. She loved to play, loved to run around. We got to see a different side of her and it was what a dog should be acting like.”

In order to get her over her current predicament, the workers at the shelter checked with the Pregnant Dog Rescue to place her there. Fortunately, they found a space there for her. as luck would have it, though she adjusted there quite well, she didn't have to stay there for long. she was quickly adopted by a family who was thrilled to have her.


Baby Playing in the shelter

“She has been a perfect pup from the moment we brought her home,” Baby’s adopting family shared in an email. “She has acted as if she’s been here the whole time. She has manners at mealtime and is excellent on a leash, too.”

“I work from home and she sits and sleeps on my feet so patiently while I’m working,” Baby's adopting family remarked. “There’s never been a sweeter dog.”

Gladly, Baby has perfectly settled in her new home. She is quite well adjusted. She doesn't have to look out the window despairingly anymore, except when she is waiting to bring her treats.
