Nothing is Worse Than Having Your Heart Broken By Your Crush and These Memes Prove Just That
Be prepared to get hit in the feels.

Have you ever heard anyone talking about how much they ENJOY having their heartbroken? We didn't think so. In fact, it is one of the worst feelings in the entire world. Even reading or writing about it can bring you back to a time when you experienced that terrible, unexplainable pain in your chest.
Love is one of the best feelings in the world but it can be taken away and replaced so quickly with heartbreak. And almost every single person you know has experienced both of those feelings. The following memes put into illustration just how heartbreaking that feeling can be and we would venture to guess you will be able to relate to most, if not all, of them.
Could you not?
Just Get Real Technical
Fake it until you make it
The Friend Zone is a Painful Place to Be
Seriously, so painful
The Worst Form of Modern Torture
Forget waterboarding, this is way worse
Am I even here?
Anytime Bro...
Any old time
Just notice me!
Please! C'mon!
The Worst Feeling Ever
It's seriously a wasted outfit
These Shoes Don't Stand a Chance
Where can you even find these?
Call in the Tool Man
Because this heart is in need of serious fixing
Get Ready, Pinterest
Because a wedding board is about to be filled with ideas
Nothing Stings Worse
Than being replaced or coming in second place
Angles Matter, Okay?
They just do. Especially when it comes to snapchatting your crush
It Should Be Declared a Crime!
Honestly, is there anything more frustrating?! I think not!
