Artist Portrays The Comical Truths Of Having A Dog For A Pet In Her Weekly Webtoon Series

She writes stories inspired from her two rescue dogs.

  • Published in Animals
Artist Portrays The Comical Truths Of Having A Dog For A Pet In Her Weekly Webtoon Series

One of life's most rewarding experiences is having a dog. These floofs don't just offer companionship and unconditional love.

They're an infinite source of laughter and entertainment. They have such adorable expressions and silly antics that bring joy to our lives.

Owning a dog is like having a best friend who's always ready to have a good time. And one illustrator is portraying this fact through her comics about the fun realities of dog ownership.

Angie W. creates comic strips for her webtoon series Dogs Love Bacon. The amazing artist finds time to draw this series after her regular full-time hours at work.

She updates her webtoon every Wednesday. According to the artist, she may be sacrificing her leisurely activities just to draw the strips, but she finds it productive.

The artist has tons of ideas that she'd like to draw while being approached by clients to work on other projects. But to avoid burnout, she decided to lessen the commitments to allot time for her personal project.

Angie also appreciates feedback from readers because they have a fresh set of eyes. She likes hearing critiques and points on how to improve her storytelling.

The artist does a good job of capturing the best things about a dog owner. So scroll down and chill with these funny comic strips about owning canines.

Doggo needs her moment of solitude.

Although some breeds can handle being alone for a long time, anxiety, exhaustion, and depression can be the reasons why dogs often want to isolate themselves.

If you feel that our dog has a health problem, ask your vet about it.

Doggo needs her moment of solitude.Angie W.

Vet solves a dog's "neck issue."

A dog's change in behavior can sometimes be worrisome. But in other cases, they're probably just messing with their owners.

Vet solves a dog's Angie W.

Well that didn't work.

Well that didn't work.Angie W.

She realized too late.

Dogs may be messy, but we love them all the same.

She realized too late.Angie W.

Dog owners: Can you relate?

Dog owners: Can you relate?Angie W.

It's a big world out there.

It's a big world out there.Angie W.

Miss Loki is so adorable!

Miss Loki is so adorable!Angie W.

Doggo loves grasshoppers.

Doggo loves grasshoppers.Angie W.

When the dog misses you

When the dog misses youAngie W.

For the kids.

For the kids.Angie W.

A hangry doggo is easy to please.

A hangry doggo is easy to please.Angie W.

The doggos' favorite things

The doggos' favorite thingsAngie W.

Bonus meal

Bonus mealAngie W.

The shiba scream after finally finding a playmate

The shiba scream after finally finding a playmateAngie W.

Dogs' way of expressing their disapproval

Dogs' way of expressing their disapprovalAngie W.

Dog proofing fail

Dog proofing failAngie W.

Following suit.

Following suit.Angie W.

A failed attempt at getting more food from the hooman

A failed attempt at getting more food from the hoomanAngie W.

They insisted it, so...

They insisted it, so...Angie W.

Uh oh!

Uh oh!Angie W.

The doggo isn't a fan of baths.

The doggo isn't a fan of baths.Angie W.

A hooman's attempt at deceiving her dog

A hooman's attempt at deceiving her dogAngie W.

Bribing the doggo with cheese

Bribing the doggo with cheeseAngie W.

Dog nail hack

Dog nail hackAngie W.

It makes you wonder how dogs understand the English language when all they do is bark.

It makes you wonder how dogs understand the English language when all they do is bark.Angie W.

Just by reading these comics, you can already see that dogs have the innate ability to make us smile with their endless enthusiasm. Their silliness reminds us not to take life too seriously and appreciate the simple moments of happiness.

Dogs always have a way to lift out spirits and warm out hearts. With their unwavering personality and loyalty, they truly fit the title "man's best friend."
