This New Hashtag About Men Doing The Bare Minimum Has Women In Fits
Have you ever felt like people get rewarded for doing the bare minimum to survive? Check out this hashtag and laugh at those who agree with you!

People these days seem to forget that certain things have to be done to live like an adult, or just live at all, especially when it comes to keeping yourself and a romantic partner happy.
But what is the difference between doing the things you need to do to make your relationship survive, and what is spoiling your partner to the point they should be grateful?
Apparently, that line is very very hazy these days and things like opening a door for your girl deserves a paragraph long appreciation post on any (or all) social media accounts telling everyone they know how absolutely fantastic their partner is.
Really though? It's a door.
This new hashtag on twitter #Bareminimumtwitter is full of people laughing at the expense of those who give trophies for doing the bare minimum.
1. Because fries are literally life

2. "Hey girl!" *swoons*

3. What's wrong with broccoli?

4. ... What.

5. You walked past while I was on the toilet? DATE NIGHT

6. Like my selfie or else we're breaking up

7. Marry me?
8. Easy: Look of a guy opening a door and swoop in there in front of him
9. That's called being a parent!
10. Really though?
11. "He's so romantic including me in his life choices"
12.Why does this clip work for everything?
13. Good guy move? Yes. Marriage material? Ehhhhh
14. G I R L
15. ... That's enough for today.
