Hairless Black Bear Rescued From Dumpster – Transformed A Year Later

Eve was battling severe mange, a nasty condition that left her vulnerable and weak.

Hairless Black Bear Rescued From Dumpster – Transformed A Year Later

In the realm of majestic beasts, where grizzlies and black bears reign supreme, one bear defied expectations. Meet Eve. When the rescuers stumbled upon her on a cold Christmas Eve in California in 2017, they weren't sure what to make of her. You see, Eve wasn't your typical bear.

She was hairless, pink, and covered in scabs, a far cry from the mighty image we usually associate with bears. But despite her sorry state, Eve caught the attention of the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, who swooped in to save her.

They whisked her away to The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center, where her journey to recovery began. It was a tough road ahead.

Eve was battling severe mange, a nasty condition that left her vulnerable and weak. But with the dedicated care of the center's staff, she started to turn the corner.

Fast forward a few months, and Eve was still not quite herself. Sure, there was some progress – patches of fur were starting to grow back, and she seemed to enjoy splashing around in her pools. But the road to recovery was long, and hurdles still existed.

Skin infections were persistent, and Eve needed constant medication to keep them at bay. Despite her progress, the folks at the center knew that Eve's journey wasn't over yet.

Releasing her back into the wild was risky, given her compromised state and the recent wildfires that had ravaged California. So, they decided to keep her in captivity, where she would be safe and well cared for.

But it wasn't all bad news for Eve. The center launched a fundraising campaign to ensure she could have a permanent home. And now, after much deliberation, they've found the perfect place for her – Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch, a sanctuary in Texas where she can live out the rest of her days in peace and comfort.

Named after the day she was found, "Eve," the young black bear, was given a home at The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center.

Named after the day she was found, Facebook

Eve, a once hairless and starving black bear, has made a remarkable recovery, gaining over 100 pounds and overcoming severe mange. However, The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center staff have determined that she cannot safely return to the wild.

"Eve (also known as the Bare Bear) greeting her Caregivers at The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center. What a beautiful girl! "

While Eve's story may have had its ups and downs, it's ultimately a tale of resilience and hope that speaks volumes about the indomitable spirit of animals and humans alike. Despite the odds stacked against her, Eve refused to give up.

She fought through illness and uncertainty, clinging to the hope of a better tomorrow. In the face of adversity, Eve found the strength to keep going, proving that resilience knows no bounds.

And who knows? Maybe one day, Eve's story will inspire others never to lose faith in themselves and to keep pushing forward even when the odds are stacked against them. After all, if a small, hairless bear can defy the odds and find a place to thrive, then surely anything is possible.
