Man Faces Eviction From Roommates For Eating Eight Packs Of Pop-Tarts Without Permission
This is not the first time he stole their food, denied it, and tried to shift the blame on them
Some people take time before showing their true colors. Unfortunately for a 20-year-old, her boyfriend's friend waited until they were all rooming together before showing the inconsiderate side of his personality.
OP lives with three other people — her boyfriend Jack, his friend Dan, and their other friend Lily. OP used to be close with Jack, but she is a lot closer to Lily now.
She and Lily recently bought a 12-pack Pop-Tart for them to share. There were a total of 24 Pop-Tarts in the case.
OP already ate three packs within five days of buying it but noticed the treats were disappearing rather rapidly. OP assumed it was Lily eating them, so she shrugged it off.
One night, the two friends decided to split a pack. Lily grabbed one pack from the box and commented how there was nothing left.
OP laughed and teasingly asked Lily how much she had eaten so far. To OP's surprise, Lily said this was to be her first Pop-Tart from the pack since she had forgotten about them entirely.
Where did the eight packs of Pop-Tart go? OP knows her boyfriend didn't steal any because he had a box of his own in the flavor that he prefers.
Lily has no reason to lie about eating the sugary treats. That left their other roommate, Dan; OP felt strongly that he was the culprit.
Lily asked Dan if he had eaten any of their Pop-Tarts. Dan said that he didn't.
Dan was aware of their roommate agreement. They freely share staples to a reasonable degree, but you have to ask the owner if you want other special food items.
Dan wasn't strict about following this agreement. He helps himself to their food, especially since he isn't careful about his own.
He lets his food rot and grow molds. When he gets hungry, his roommates' food are for him to take. OP was done tolerating Dan's inconsiderate nature.
She just isn't sure how she can bring the subject up since Lily and Jack did not want to back her up.
OP should insist on a serious roommate meeting that involves all of them
There doesn't seem to be any upside about rooming with Dan at this point
Just because OP is the first one to be fed up with his behavior, it doesn't mean she should be alone in confronting him
PurplePlurple, loudrooomie86
Dan's attitude affects all of them just as much as it does OP
She just happens to be the only one willing to say anything about it
A confrontation may be uncomfortable, but it is better than tolerating and coddling another grown up who doesn't want to be responsible for himself and his actions
Raising Dan and teaching him manners are not his roommate's responsibilities
They have lived with him long enough to know that the chances of him changing are slim to none
Especially if they don't confront him. He doesn't have any incentive to change because no one is willing to call him out on his crap.
For all of their peace of mind, I hope Lily and Jack listen to OP
Their personal relationship with Dan shouldn't make them excuse how terrible of a roommate he has been
He lets his food rot, he steals theirs, and even makes them do his laundry. Those are not the qualities of a good roommate.
I doubt if he even pitches in with their shared chores
Hiding your food in your room because you can't trust your roommate not to steal your stuff is no way to live
OP shouldn't back down and make Jack and Lily see why confronting Dan now is better than the alternative
"Don't rock the boat," isn't an option in a case like this. Why should three people keep their mouths shut to avoid hurting the feelings of an inconsiderate person when he obviously doesn't respect them?
OP is right, a confrontation with Dan is a matter of when not if. It's bound to happen given his attitude and deliberate behavior to infuriate all of them.