Man Wonders If He Broke “Guy Code” By Sharing A Guy Secret With His Wife

She knows too much now, she’s too powerful.

  • Published in Funny
Man Wonders If He Broke “Guy Code” By Sharing A Guy Secret With His Wife

There are many secrets and concealed habits that are exclusively known amongst people who belong to the same gender, these “secrets” are quite obvious to the ones who live them and do them every day, but the opposite gender is often totally or partially oblivious to what is actually going on.

Some of these secrets are totally mind-blowing and not talked about that often because they’re kind of routine to the people who developed them as habits out of necessity. Once they are randomly mentioned to the opposite gender, they always feel like great revelations that only a few chosen people were lucky enough to be blessed with.

A Redditor by the username u/alexrabbit929 posted a story on the r/tifu subReddit (tifu stands for Today I F-ed Up), where he explained how he shared a guy secret with his girlfriend but ended up regretting it years later after he realized he might’ve broken guy code.

Scroll down and check out the original Reddit post, and if you want to read screenshots of the comments from that post all you have to do is scroll a little further. There’s also a TL;DR at the end in case you are in a rush and only want to get the essentials.

Here’s the original Reddit post by u/alexrabbit929:

Here’s the original Reddit post by u/alexrabbit929:Reddit

She’s been doing it for 8 years and is not planning to stop anytime soon 😂

She’s been doing it for 8 years and is not planning to stop anytime soon 😂Reddit

Now even more women know it, he shared it with the whole world.

Now even more women know it, he shared it with the whole world.Reddit

She’s speaking on behalf of at least one million women.

She’s speaking on behalf of at least one million women.Reddit

Try not to picture it in your head.

Try not to picture it in your head. Reddit

Things need to be compatible down there.

Things need to be compatible down there. Reddit

Making eye contact with someone while they’re doing that is still creepy without even including the smile.

Making eye contact with someone while they’re doing that is still creepy without even including the smile.Reddit

Guys, we can no longer go to malls, it’s no longer safe.

Guys, we can no longer go to malls, it’s no longer safe.Reddit

It takes years of practice to get it right.

It takes years of practice to get it right. Reddit

The whole package with a package.

The whole package with a package. Reddit

She has no idea what’s going on behind the scenes.

She has no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. Reddit

City life is always randomly hilarious when you least expect it.

City life is always randomly hilarious when you least expect it.Reddit

Just a casual comment about someone’s husband’s balls.

Just a casual comment about someone’s husband’s balls.Reddit

Those 30 women will share it with the rest of them.

Those 30 women will share it with the rest of them. Reddit

That’s an interesting name 😂 I mean, it does make sense

That’s an interesting name 😂 I mean, it does make sense Reddit

Pads need to chill the hell out.

Pads need to chill the hell out.Reddit

It’s different for innies and outies apparently.

It’s different for innies and outies apparently.Reddit

If it sounds like velcro I have some bad news for you.

If it sounds like velcro I have some bad news for you. Reddit

Sometimes it’s better to just stay quiet 😂

Sometimes it’s better to just stay quiet 😂Reddit

You gotta have something between them and your leg.

You gotta have something between them and your leg.Reddit

More ingredients can be added according to preference.

More ingredients can be added according to preference. Reddit

Her scrotum obsession is getting out of hand.

Her scrotum obsession is getting out of hand.Reddit

Hands in pockets is the way to go.

Hands in pockets is the way to go. Reddit

Once they know that, it’s all over for us.

Once they know that, it’s all over for us. Reddit

Basically wives before everything else.

Basically wives before everything else.Reddit

I think people of opposite genders should start talking more about things of this sort. It’s always eye opening to discover new things that were apparently always in front of your eyes but you were never able to spot or recognize them.

I don’t know if what OP did is considered breaking “guy code” because I think that any guy would give a straight and honest answer if ever asked about the awkward long step. It’s not really a secret that guys agreed not to reveal with the opposite gender.

OP’s girlfriend should definitely bring it down a notch with the excitement because knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility.
