Woman Refuses To Lend Car To Sister And Nephews Who Always Trash It And Gets Blamed For Ruining Their Trip
"They sent me a video of the kids crying last night, and they are devastated."
- Published in Interesting
We all have that one friend or relative who constantly asks to borrow things but never treats your belongings with due respect. Once you get your stuff back (in case you do), you instantly regret ever giving it to them and swear to never let them borrow anything ever again.
Especially when the thing they borrow happens to be expensive or one of a kind, you just can't risk giving them the opportunity to trash it. However, people have their techniques and can be quite persistent, so you take a chance on them and wish for the best.
Nevertheless, it's still necessary to stick to your guns if the stakes are too high. Some things, such as cars, are just not meant to be borrowed and can only stay in a good condition if one person uses them and follows their history closely.
A Redditor who goes by the username u/miadanielle2828_ made a post on the r/AmItheA**hole subReddit where she explained how her sister tried to guilt trip her into letting her borrow her car. Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.
Here's the original Reddit post u/miadanielle2828_:
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeOP's sister, Denise, and brother-in-law always wanted to borrow her car.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeOP's nephews repeatedly trashed her car on 3 previous occasions, and she was not ready to take that risk.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeDenise even tried to guilt trip OP into giving them the car.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeHere's how the Reddit community reacted to u/miadanielle2828_'s post:
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeIt's not normal for kids that age to trash cars.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThey should have asked first before planning and making promises.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeI hate people who do that. At least have the decency to refill the tank.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThe sister and BIL could not afford the trip, so they decided to blame it on OP.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThis should be the only reply to anything the sister says.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThey denied OP's generous offer and are still trying to guilt trip her.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeOP's car is expensive, and besides that, she still has every right to say no.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThe fact that they didn't have a backup plan proves their bad intentions.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeOP tried to help them solve the problem, but they weren't open to it.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeNo wonder they trashed their previous cars.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThe video proves they are trying to manipulate OP.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThe solution is so simple, yet they chose to overcomplicate things.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeBorrowing a car is already a big request.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeIt's really not worth the risk.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeThey have no one else to blame but themselves.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeIf all else fails, they can always guilt trip OP.
Reddit: r/AmItheAssholeOP needs to stick to her initial decision and not pander to her sister's harassment and guilt-tripping. She does not owe them anything, especially considering the fact that they repeatedly trashed her car on 3 different occasions, so they are not trustworthy.
OP is not the a-hole in this one, she tried to come up with solutions and even offered to pay half on renting a car for them, but they simply refused.
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