Brazen House Guests Tell Host She Should Temporarily Move Her Husband's Service Dog Because It Makes Their Daughter Uncomfortable
"Don't temporarily move your dog. Permanently move your brother and his family."

Service dogs are not like any typical dog you can pick up from the pound. They are animals that are specifically trained to aid persons with disability.
They are integral to the lives of the people they are trained to help. Their skills are geared towards helping a person with a disability live more independently.
You cannot just bend down and pet a service dog when you encounter them and their human. They are working dogs whose focus should only be on their human companion.
Which is why this story on Reddit is so baffling. OP's husband has a disability and he recently got a service dog.
The dog is not the only new addition to their home since they are currently housing OP's brother and his family. They asked to stay with them after losing their home and promised this was only temporary.
Things were going well until OP's 14-year-old niece began complaining about the service dog. Apparently, it made her uncomfortable and she didn't say how.
OP's brother asked her if they can move the dog but OP said no. Her husband's service dog is helpful, smart, and he's too busy performing his job to bother anyone.
Their house guests told OP her husband doesn't need the dog anyway since he stays home most of the time. They even tried negotiating with OP's husband directly but OP shut them down every time.
Her brother's wife argued with OP the moment OP's brother was out of the house

She accused OP of prioritizing the service dog over hew own niece and they continued arguing until her brother got home from work

OP said the dog was not an ordinary animal and that her husband needs him. OP's husband asked her to take him and the dog to his father's house to avoid more argument with her brother but OP said no.

Her brother and his family are now ignoring OP while her husband is still convincing her to take him to his father's house. Did OP's refusal to compromise make her an a**hole?

OP and her husband generously opened their home for them when they most needed it and this is how they treat them?

Her husband's dad sounds like a peach. Maybe OP should introduce him to her brother and his family.

Her reason why she wants the dog out of the house is so vague, too. Did she really think she had a compelling reason?

They can find some other place where their daughter can be more comfortable

If she had a real reason why she can't have the dog around then maybe some compromise can be reached but even then, it's still a ridiculous demand to have

It sounds like a them problem to be frank

This is the solution. It's not the dog that should move, it's the brother's family.

The sooner they are out of the house, the better it is for OP's own family

Even if the dog wasn't a service animal, I would still be very reluctant to kick him out of his home because a house guest can't cope

It's like a terrible version of Modern Family

They probably understand but they don't think the dog is that important to OP's husband

She's just 14-year-old and she's already this entitled? Incredible.

OP has to kick them out of the house as soon as possible before they come up with other favors to ask from her

The audacity of some people is mind-boggling

Thank you. Next!

How inconsiderate and unfeeling do you have to be to ask someone to kick out their service dog because you don't like it? Who in their right mind would think this was an okay thing to say to someone they already owe so much to?
OP, her husband, and his service dog will be better off without these people in their home. They have overstayed their welcome and it's about time they find a more comfortable place they can live in.
