Sailesh Gopalan is a 21-year-old design student from Mumbai. She studies art design and technology in Bangalore. She comes from an Indian family and she thought well, why not show people what it's like growing up in an Indian family.
That is when Brown Paperbag was developed. It's the name of the comic series that Sailesh designed herself to reveal her struggles and fun growing up.
She describes her art and design as "a slice-of-life comedy webcomic aimed at highlighting the ironies and exploiting the stereotypes that prevail in Indian families and society in a satirical fashion." It definitely shows the struggles of everything an Indian child goes through in life. Some of these comics even relate to people that are not Indian.
“I've always been interested in drawing comics,” Sailesh said. “I used to fill up my drawing books with my own comics as a kid, and that interest never died out. My biggest inspiration is the manga artist Eiichiro Oda, author of One Piece. When it comes to webcomics, it's Shen, author of Bluechair and Owlturd Comix, as well as Sarah Andersen of Sarah's Scribbles.”
She gave some advice to people who want to start their own comic series, “Upload! Don't let your inhibitions keep you from sharing your work with the world. I had no idea my comics would receive the response it did, and the only way I could know is if I put it up on the internet.”