Grocery Stores Whose Main Objective In Life Is To Confuse Their Customers And Infuriate Them
Oh no baby, what is you doing???

Brands and stores use a lot of tactics to make customers pay more money while thinking they are getting a good deal. Their tactics are so sneaky that many people can't spot the scam in their “deals ” and end up spending more money than they originally intended.
Grocery stores are designed to entice customers to spend more money; once you are in their territory, they try to make you forget about the items you originally came for and try to introduce you to new things you don't even need. Displaying prices in a sneaky way is also one of their tactics, they try to make customers think they are getting a discount, but in reality, they might even be paying more.
Besides that, some grocery stores are just designed weirdly and give little to no attention to the customer's experience inside the store. As long as they are making sales, improving the store isn't something they ever think about.
You might have been to some terrible grocery stores throughout your life, but the stores below took it to a whole new level. The images below contain some infuriating things spotted in grocery stores that people decided to share with the whole world.
1. $2 chips being sold for $3, on sale for $2.49.

2. “What a genius idea! Brick floors in a grocery store... With small loud wheels rolling over it...?!”

3. “These organic oranges individually wrapped in plastic”

4. The best deal of your life

5. “Jaw dropping sales at the local grocery store this week! The scary thing is, they were all sold out.”

6. “This vague sign at the grocery store”

7. “This incredibly unspecific supermarket aisle sign”

8. ”Local grocery store is the “king of low prices”, but charges a fee at checkout.”

9. “My store removes coupons on items before they go on shelves...”

10. “When you go to the grocery store to buy a banana for lunch that day but they're all green.”

11. “Bought two glazed doughnuts for $1.78 this morning at the grocery store. Received this receipt.”

12. “Wtf is a limited edition tomato ?! Whole foods irking .”

13. “When grocery stores use tape instead of twist ties.”

14. “My local grocery store’s NFL display”

15. “Someone printed this sign for the stock cage at the supermarket and took the time to laminate, hole-punch and tie it with string to the cage....”

16. “The sale signs on this grocery store's freezer block your view from pretty much everything inside”

17. “These elevator buttons at my local supermarket.”

18. “Was standing in the grocery store when the ceiling tile above me fell, hit me in the head, followed by a few gallons of dirty water. I was completely soaked and employees didn't do anything.”

19. “Grocery store selling powdered donuts marketed as our Paczki. Smh”

20. “Ordered alcohol for a gathering tonight and the grocery store delivered them with the security tags still locked on.”

21. “The price cuts at my local grocery store”

The world is evolving quickly, and if these grocery stores don't get their sh#t together they will be replaced by some app. It's truly laughable how horrible some of these grocery stores are, like come on people, you can do much better.
