Woman Asks If She's An A**hole For Expecting Her Husband To Help Out Instead Of Taking A Nap Because He Is Grieving Dog's Death

"Sadly, grieving is a luxury when you have other responsibilities."

Woman Asks If She's An A**hole For Expecting Her Husband To Help Out Instead Of Taking A Nap Because He Is Grieving Dog's Death

Losing a pet is one of the most painful things we can go through. They are part of our family, and we love them so much.

So, when Reddit user u/sayruhOB and her family recently lost their beloved dog, they were understandably devastated. She shared the story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit.

The OP explained that she and her family had to make the difficult decision to put their 12-year-old dog to sleep. The OP and her husband were devastated and overwhelmed with grief.

However, the day after their dog passed away, the OP's cousin was graduating from high school and having a party to celebrate. The couple's children were looking forward to the party, so the OP decided to still take them and hopefully help take their minds off everything.

While the OP was frantically trying to get the kids ready for the party, as well as tidy up the house, her husband decided it was a good time to take a nap and leave the OP to do everything. When she asked him if he could please wait until after the part to take a nap, he became upset and said he needed to "sleep so that he can grieve."

The OP had been cleaning all morning while her husband played video games with their four-year-old. So, she didn't think it was unreasonable to expect a little bit of help.

But not the OP is wondering if she was the a**hole here. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for expecting her husband to help around the house instead of taking a nap after their dog passed away.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for expecting her husband to help around the house instead of taking a nap after their dog passed away.Reddit/sayruhOB

The OP's husband decided to take a nap instead of helping his wife with their kids and cleaning the house.

The OP's husband decided to take a nap instead of helping his wife with their kids and cleaning the house.Reddit/sayruhOB

OP's husband said he needed to "sleep so that he can grieve."

OP's husband said he needed to Reddit/sayruhOB

However, the OP says she is the one who has been doing all the work despite also grieving for their dog.

However, the OP says she is the one who has been doing all the work despite also grieving for their dog.Reddit/sayruhOB

In a later edit, the OP explained that they dog belonged to both of them and the whole family was grieving for him.

In a later edit, the OP explained that they dog belonged to both of them and the whole family was grieving for him.Reddit/sayruhOB

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/oaksandpines1776

"Sadly, grieving is a luxury when you have other responsibilities."


"Responsibility exists no matter what else is going on."


"Sounds life he believes his grief is more important than your grief."


"He needs to be responsible just as much as you do."


"Doesn't he know you're grieving too and would like a nap as well?"


"Many hands make light work."


You lost the dog too.

You lost the dog too.Reddit/MaryMary8249

Time for hubby to put his big boy pants on!

Time for hubby to put his big boy pants on!Reddit/Ok-Organization-7139

"Staying busy helps to cope with grief."


"All of you are grieving."


A recurring theme perhaps?

A recurring theme perhaps?Reddit/totallynotarobut



"He didn't clean all morning, you did."


"I weep for you."


"He needs to step up."


What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP was overreacting, or was she entirely justified in being upset with her hubby?

Unfortunately, our responsibilities don't stop to allow us to grieve when we need to. And sometimes, we need to keep going even when we don't want to.

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
