Wedding Couple Smoke 'His and Her' Bongs To Celebrate Their Love For Each Other

Coral Reefer (what a fitting name!) and her husband Mio put together their love for each other, and cannabis, by smoking personalized bongs

Wedding Couple Smoke 'His and Her' Bongs To Celebrate Their Love For Each Other

A simple Instagram search for #cannabisweddings brings up over a thousand results. The pictures are all stunningly unique.

Some couples are stepping outside of the gross stigma surrounding marijuana and taking things in a joyful direction.

This couple in particular, Coral Reefer (pun intended. Ha.) and Mio, decided to weave their great love for weed all through out their wedding day.

Coral Reefer (her chosen name, mind you!) is actually a cannabis blogger and activists. She's best known for her channel on YouTube, she's also the original creator of Stoney Sunday and the News Nug.

When asked about Coral's wild ideas, photographer Rachel Artime responded with,

"Coral is wonderful – she knows what she wants. She told me she wanted this photo with the smoke and we had engagement photos done in the same way.

They were really excited about their matching Mr and Mrs bongs, which were handmade and very cool.

Being in Santa Cruz in a redwood forest, and in her white dress, the contrast was just so pretty with the white smoke. It’s not a conventional wedding photo at all.

It was so fun because I do a wedding a weekend, so it was like a creative challenge to have new things to work with."

To have..and..

To have..and..Rachel Artime

To toke.

To toke.Rachel Artime

The couple first met in kindergarten and were the best of friends for years, before ultimately transferring to different schools. They consistently had mutual friends through their teen years, but it wasn't until 2015 that the couple reconnected and blossomed together.

Ironically enough, they both dabbed into the same industry, Mio had created a cannabis product, and his partners reached out to Coral for her YouTube reach, which has more than 100k subscribers.

However, "I was much more interested in getting some alone time with Mio," Coral gushed.

"We announced our relationship in January 2016. Both of our families were overjoyed to hear that we had reconnected and fallen in love."


Or should I say,

flick your bics?


I love the dynamics here, wild yet calm, serene.

I love the dynamics here, wild yet calm, serene.Rachel Artime

The pair always knew that cannabis would be a big part of their wedding. As Coral had been writing about cannabis for the last decade, but now focuses solely as an independent glass artist.

Cannabis is still a very large part of who they are as a couple.

The bongs they used on their wedding day?

Mio had them specially made just for them by RooR bongs.

When Coral found out, she knew the perfect time to use them first- during their 'first look!'

"We wanted the elegance and aesthetic to be cohesive with the rest of our wedding plans, and Rachel was onboard with our vision," Coral said.


The stunning bride with her handsome groom

The stunning bride with her handsome groomRachel Artime

Their down to earth photographer Rachel said,

"People all over my Instagram were so into it. People were saying they had never seen this. I have never seen a bong at a wedding.

I take wedding photos all the time but to see a photo with weed go viral is so fascinating.

With the positive feedback on a drug that was illegal and is now legal, it’s just fascinating to see how people are supportive and love the photos.

It was all mine and Coral’s vision and their passion."

Coral even included freshly cut nugs into her bouquet, and Mio's boutonniere did as well.

Then they chose a cannabis community celebrity, Ngaio Bealum as their officiant. Who joked during the ceremony about not being able to find their rings in his pocket, only buds of weed.


Have you ever seen a happier bride?!

Have you ever seen a happier bride?!Rachel Artime

The couple even had a RV with a "professional budtender" inside! He offered guidance to their guest's wants and needs for the day.

"I think the shock of seeing a bong at a wedding caught people's attention," Rachel Artime stated.

"My goal as a photographer is for each couple to feel captured and seen, and for viewers to feel the couple's personality."

"I hope in 50 years, when they look back at my photos, they think 'Yup, that's us! That's what our love feels like."'

Coral is ecstatic about the global support her and her husband have recieved after the photos went viral.

"I'm so glad the conversation around cannabis worldwide can be positive she said. "And even a bit romantic."

Personally I applaud these two for not letting any bad juju get in the way of the day they imagined while they celebrated their love.

I'd be willing to bet they have a very laid back mellow marriage!


Congratulations you two!

Congratulations you two!Rachel Artime