Greedy Boyfriend Devastated As Girlfriend Decides To Keep Her Lottery Winnings Under The Radar Until She Gets Financial Advice
It’s a true test of character and loyalty when your loved ones compose themselves in the midst of big money
- Published in Interesting
Money, or more particularly, enormous sums of money, can have an interesting effect on your friends and partner. If you ever win the lottery, you'll quickly realize who you can trust, who is more greedy than you thought, and how you're unexpectedly the star of the show (Or, rather, your newly stuffed wallet is).
Sadly, subtlety and patience are not as fashionable as gossip and impulsiveness. If you want to keep a secret, such as something about your wealth, keep in mind that every person you tell increases the likelihood of it becoming public. The spicier the secret, the more difficult it is to keep
Winning the lottery can be a blessing as well as a curse. Your loved ones may begin to treat you in a different way.
However, it is also the ideal test to see if your loved ones would choose loyalty to you over their own selfishness, though this may throw a wrench in your plans to practice stealth wealth indefinitely. Stealth wealth is a great concept that will come in handy when you become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
It all comes down to being astute and subtle with your wealth. You just might choose a more peaceful way of life.
If your partner shares your lottery-winning secret when you specifically asked them not to, you can no longer trust them with other important secrets. Because a healthy relationship is built on loyalty, it will take a lot of effort to heal the disloyalty.
If you ever win the lottery, you’ll probably realize incredibly quickly how people truly are
Erik Mclean (not the actual photo)It may be better to start over and find a partner—someone that doesn't know your wealth status. The extremely rich can learn how to persuade people that are middle class and try to mix in.
One Reddit user disclosed just how much drama came into her life after she won one of the top jackpot prizes
AirAway2713The OP grew up in a poor family
AirAway2713The OP isn't touching the money
AirAway2713She planned to invest the money and use it to provide proper housing for her family members
AirAway2713The only people that know
AirAway2713Her 7-month-old boyfriend, on the other hand, had other plans
AirAway2713A woman sought advice online, questioning whether it had been improper of her to reject her 7-month boyfriend's demanding requests
Timur Weber (not the actual photo)The boyfriend is listing the things he wants
AirAway2713The OP has refused every single request
AirAway2713And he began trying to pressure his girlfriend by spilling the beans about her winnings to everyone in their circle of acquaintances
AirAway2713They have been very cruel
AirAway2713This situation has deteriorated to the point where the woman began to doubt her decision to refuse her boyfriend's request. As a result, she turned to the AITA online community for advice on the situation.
Keep reading to see comments from redditors.
Ditch the boyfriend ASAP
bookgeek59Congratulations on your winnings
snarkismsLeave him now or regret it
Princesszelda24He has showed his true colors
No-Personality5421No more love
urhwtfYour life is about to change
dwotwThe plans you made are good
lisbeth1910You have a good head
BellesBooksHe's trying to use you
MadHatter_1391Your boyfriend is the AH
PunkrockpmMake your investments
AltruisticPiece7615Do not give in
jengrunwaldYour boyfriend sees you as an ATM
FitOrFat-1999He is not respectful
Ok-Study-5917He's just making demands
WvilFinchI would be extremely wary of him
SnooDoughnuts4691It is human nature
Material-Profit5923Get out while you can
mrsdoodyStay true to you
DesertSong-LalaHe is intentionally stirring trouble
Appropriate-Royal-17It’s a true test of character and loyalty when your loved ones compose themselves in the midst of big money from lotteries. You obviously get to find out what kind of person they are and, most importantly, if you can be safe with them.
What are your thoughts on this sensitive story? Let us know in the comments section below.