Grandparents Fail To Manipulate Their Grandson Into Reconnecting With His Estranged Siblings, Tries To Turn His Fiancée Against Him Instead
He had a clear boundary. He told them he didn't want a relationship with his mom and her kids. They thought they knew better.

A 27-year-old knew and respected her fiancé's decision not to have his mother in his life. Not once did he relent on this boundary in the 8 years OP has known him.
Despite his non-contact with his mom, her fiancé maintained a cordial relationship with his maternal grandparents. He is much closer to his late dad's side of the family.
OP did witness her fiancé's relationship improve when they started dating. His grandparents validated his unstable upbringing with his mom and acknowledged how she affected, and still affects, his mental health after his dad's death.
Her fiancé has two half-siblings OP has never met. Her fiancé has no interest in fostering a bond with his siblings and does not contact them.
His grandparents said they understood why he didn't want to be a part of the kids' lives. They knew he would not tolerate attempts at a forced relationship with the kids.
All their sympathies were fake. They hosted a dinner and invited OP and her fiancé to join them but deliberately hid that the kids would be there.
His grandparents also told the kids about the wedding and extended an invitation. His sister babbled excitedly about meeting her brother and attending the wedding.
OP's fiancé was furious and asked to speak with his grandparents. He told them they could clean up the mess they had created because he had no plans to invite the children to the wedding.
OP and her fiancé left his grandparents' house. They called him multiple times to scold and lecture him about his siblings. He eventually blocked them.

When they couldn't reach him, they tried to poison OP against him.

They asked how she could be with someone who treated his siblings so heartlessly.

They said OP should hate her fiancé for crushing a little girl's heart.

OP told her fiancé's grandparents she didn't hold her fiancé accountable for their actions. His grandparents accused her of being just as heartless and rude as her fiancé.

The grandparents set those kids up for heartbreak. That is neither on OP nor her fiancé. An ambush dinner will not solve years of parental damage.

The kids got caught in the middle of the drama and were hurt because of it. None of it was her fiancé's fault.

Someone asked why OP's fiancé did not seek a relationship with his siblings.

OP said his fiancé does not even consider his biological mom as a parent. Her kids are not his siblings. They are people he happened to share DNA with.

They used the kids as pawns. They thought OP's fiancé would be too surprised to react negatively. When their manipulation didn't work, it was time to unload the responsibility of their failed plan.

It might be best to bar the grandparents from attending the weddings. Who knows what else they could come up with?

Those kids didn't deserve any of this. The fallout is all on the grandparents though.

Not of this was OP's or her fiancé's fault as much as his grandparents want them to be responsible. He was honest about how he felt about his mom and the kids.
His grandparents, who validated him to mask their agenda, lied to him. It was another betrayal that poisoned any potential reconciliation.
