Furious Redditor Abandons Family Graduation Dinner Due To Grandma's Infuriating Talent For Tormenting Waitstaff

This Redditor has decided to take a stand against their grandma's tableside drama!

Furious Redditor Abandons Family Graduation Dinner Due To Grandma's Infuriating Talent For Tormenting Waitstaff

A person’s graduation is a significant day in their life. It marks the end of an often long and tasking period of dedication to a certain goal and the beginning of a new chapter.

Students spend years trying to get a degree. They attend multiple draining classes, turn in several assignments and read for hours to pass their examinations.

Hence, it is unsurprising when people want to celebrate it. They may have dinner with friends and family or have a party. Whatever the case may be, they deserve to decide the terms of this celebration. 

This is why one Redditor specifically stated that they wouldn’t like their grandparents at their graduation dinner because of their habit of tormenting waitstaff.

OP shared with the AITA community that they had expressed this concern to their parents. However, their mom opposed the idea, as it would come off as disrespectful.

During the dinner, OP’s grandmother complained severally about her food and made unrealistic requests that put the waiter in a difficult situation. The back and forth frustrated OP, forcing them to leave the dinner abruptly.

OP’s mother and grandmother got upset and accused them of being rude. Now OP has decided to table the matter before the Reddit community in a bid to determine who was truly at fault in this matter.

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

OP asked their mom not to invite their grandparents to their graduation dinner due to how difficult they are with waiters

OP asked their mom not to invite their grandparents to their graduation dinner due to how difficult they are with waitersReddit.com

Not long into the dinner, OP's grandmother started complaining about her food and putting the wiater in a difficult situation. This forced OP to leave the restaurant in disappointment, with plans to attend their friend's graduation party instead

Not long into the dinner, OP's grandmother started complaining about her food and putting the wiater in a difficult situation. This forced OP to leave the restaurant in disappointment, with plans to attend their friend's graduation party insteadReddit.com

Now OP's mom and grandmother are angry and accusing them of being disrespectful

Now OP's mom and grandmother are angry and accusing them of being disrespectfulReddit.com

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"NTA for wanting a stress-free dinner. It seems like your father is just as tired of it as well."


"I would tell your dad that he has your blessing to divorce your mom if she keeps allowing her parents to mess with your life."


"Let your mom calm down a bit and talk to her in a few more days/weeks."


"I'd stay with your friend for a little bit, and let mom calm down."


"NTA...It's always annoying to eat out with entitled diners"


"She's a grown woman and needs to stop complaining."


"NTA You stood up for yourself, and you were right, apparently grandma is an AH and your mom is an AH enabler."


The Reddit community believes OP's actions are justified. According to them, OP wasn’t wrong to want a stress-free dinner. 

Some went further to share their personal stories, showing that many people truly understand how OP felt in that situation. Interestingly, people further pointed out that their father's reaction proved that he, too, was in support of OP's actions.

Do you agree with the commenters? Join the conversation in the comments section below.
