Grandma Refuses To Train Her Energetic 40-Lbs Rescue Dog Even After Her Grandchildren Screamed In Terror When He Chased Them
He cornered her five-year-old grandchild while he was playing in the living room

The stereotypical TV or movie grandma dotes on her grandchildren. She bakes cookies for them, knits Christmas sweaters, and gives them gifts on their birthdays no matter how old they are.
We all want that kind of grandma, don't we? Unfortunately, not all grandparents are as sweet as the grandmothers portrayed in TV shows.
Some grandmothers even refuse to prioritize the safety of their grandchildren. There's a grandma that sadly behaves this way according to a Reddit post.
OP's in-laws have a 3-year-old, 40 lbs, rescue dog that is extremely energetic. They've had the dog for a year and have seemingly neglected to train him not to jump on people.
The dog is typically leashed when OP and her kids are visiting. They hold the dog with a leash to prevent him from jumping on OP's kids who are all under the age of six.
OP's in-laws cannot resist letting the dog go off-leash to reward him because he's being "so good." Once the leash is off, the dog will jump on OP's kids, knock them over, and hump them.
It happened again when they recently visited. The dog chased OP's 5-year-old kid, pinned him against the wall, and then humped him.
OP's son cried and yelled out of fear! Fortunately, he wasn't physically hurt but what happened really terrified him.
Instead of consoling her grandson, OP's mother-in-law told him twice that it was his fault because he shouldn't be running or being loud

OP's son was just playing, he wasn't provoking the dog, teasing him, or intruding in his space

He knows how to treat dogs because they have their own family dog and he never approaches a dog without asking first

This isn't the first time this happened either and OP is thinking of stopping the visits altogether because who knows how bad things can get in the future. Is OP overreacting or is this the right move?

Someone said OP was an a**hole because she allowed this to happen to her children repeatedly and asked her to look into herself why that is

OP should follow through with her plan because her children's safety is at stake

If they cannot assure a safe environment to their grandchildren, then it is OP's responsibility as a parent to remove her children from the unsafe situation

OP's children can develop a trauma if accidents like these keep happening

It would be better if OP and her partner presents a united front when they inform the in-laws of their plan to avoid more drama

OP's in-laws owe it to their dog to train him and stop him from potentially harming people, and by extension himself, in the future

The dog probably didn't mean any harm but his weight against little children poses a danger. OP's mother-in-law has to realize this or her grandchildren will no longer be spending time in her home.

It's very risky to have children around an animal that is highly energetic and it's better to stop the visits now before an irreparable damage is caused

Maybe stopping the visits altogether will help her in-laws see how badly they are raising their dog

They are doing their dog a disservice if they keep enabling this type of behavior

People can get defensive when told what to do, so OP shouldn't really tell her in-laws what they should do with their dog

OP has no reason to feel bad about stopping the visits. They have been harmful to her children instead of a fun trip to grandma's house.
It is a great move to leave an open invitation for them sans the dog to OP's house. Unless the dog's behavior is corrected, OP is right to keep her children away from any potential harm.
