There's a Glitch In The Matrix, And Here Are Some Pictures To Prove It

How is this even possible?

  • Published in Funny
There's a Glitch In The Matrix, And Here Are Some Pictures To Prove It

The world doesn't seem to be functioning properly anymore, every day we see and hear a couple of things that are so unusual we start questioning our sanity.

People often say that "There's a glitch in the Matrix" when spotting two duplicates of the same thing in a singular scene, and it always seems too good to be true and even though it doesn't make any sense at all, you just have to believe what your own eyes are seeing.

1. Three different alternate realities

1. Three different alternate realitiesTwitter

2. The Matrix has two double glitches on it

2. The Matrix has two double glitches on itReddit

3. Cloning is real, and here's the proof

3. Cloning is real, and here's the proofReddit

4. "These Two Guys Entered The Metro From Different Stations And Don't Even Know Each Other. They Kind Of Fit Together"

4. Reddit

5. This is too good to be true, how is it even possible

5. This is too good to be true, how is it even possibleImgur

6. Matrix=Glitched

6. Matrix=GlitchedReddit

7. They need to hug and high five asap

7. They need to hug and high five asap

8. I hope they don't arrest him

8. I hope they don't arrest himImgur

9. The Matrix is going crazy

9. The Matrix is going crazyReddit

10. They just spawned

10. They just spawnedReddit

11. Maybe they're in a band

11. Maybe they're in a bandReddit

12. This just happened in London

12. This just happened in LondonReddit

13. Once again, a glitch in the Matrix

13. Once again, a glitch in the Matrix

14. He's cloning himself to cover more ground

14. He's cloning himself to cover more groundReddit

It's said that we have seven people, worldwide, who look exactly like this. If that is true then I am so sorry! Are you guys okay? It must be such a rare occurrence for any look-a-likes to be in the same place at the same time just like these people, who are mostly unaware of their surroundings. Check out these real life doppelgängers to animations like Disney. The resemblance is uncanny!
