Redditor Startles Entire Family By Revealing Girlfriend's Secret Departure From Islam

“It’s not your secret to tell.”

Redditor Startles Entire Family By Revealing Girlfriend's Secret Departure From Islam

Religion is an essential aspect of people’s lives. Many people spend several hours weekly deepening their bonds with the higher power they believe in for this very reason.

Some people even build their entire lives around their religion. This is because religion serves as a source of solitude for many people. It offers them hope and so much more.

However, people evolve and sometimes begin to change their beliefs and convictions. Some people may grow up in religious backgrounds and decide as adults to change their religion or abandon religion altogether.

This is often very difficult for people around them who still believe in that religion to accept.

We found a story on the AITA subreddit that paints a similar picture.

OP shared that his girlfriend had grown up in a religious background but had decided, over a year ago, to be agnostic instead. However, inform her parents of this development.

One day, when OP and his girlfriend were out, they bumped into OP’s mum. OP introduced himself as her boyfriend and told her mother that she was no longer Muslim, a revelation that shocked both OP and her mother.

According to OP, everything worked out in the end because OP’s girlfriend’s mother stated that she was happy her daughter was happy.

However, OP’s girlfriend was far from happy. She reached out to OP later and stated that he had been out of line to tell her parents about her religion. Aside from OP’s girlfriend, other people felt the same way and didn’t waste time expressing their disappointment with OP. OP then asked the critical AITA question.

Scroll down to see what other Redditors thought!


Let's dig into the details

Let's dig into the

OP's girlfriend had been battling with the religion she was born into (Islam) for a while. Presently, she has decided that she's agnostic—although she hasn't informed her parents

OP's girlfriend had been battling with the religion she was born into (Islam) for a while. Presently, she has decided that she's agnostic—although she hasn't informed her

OP took it upon himself to break the news to his girlfriend's mom without her permission

OP took it upon himself to break the news to his girlfriend's mom without her

Later on, OP's girlfriend slammed him for making such a revelation to her mom at the wrong time and place

Later on, OP's girlfriend slammed him for making such a revelation to her mom at the wrong time and

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"That was not your information to share, and that was most definitely not the time to share it."

"Why would you do that? Are you dense or something?"

"You dropped what you knew was a bombshell of news on her family, and have left her to pick up the pieces."

"YTA It was one hundred percent not your place to tell her mom that without her permission."

"YTA - That wasn't your news to tell."

"Not your place to tell others about someone's newfound atheism/agnosticism."

"YTA...So you met her mom and pretty much immediately gave her the finger?"

"Don't even know where to start on you though. YTA x 1000"

"You don’t get to out someone like that. It’s disgusting, selfish behaviour."

"You're lucky things turned out fine, these things often don't."

The commenters wasted no time ascribing OP to the AH title.  According to them, OP’s revelation about his girlfriend’s religion had been unnecessary and deprived her of telling her parents on her terms.

Do you agree with the commenters? Let us know in the comments below!
