Guy Asks Girlfriend To Contribute Towards Household Expenses, But She Throws A Fit Instead

Is it fair to ask your partner for more contribution towards household expenses when you earn more?

Guy Asks Girlfriend To Contribute Towards Household Expenses, But She Throws A Fit Instead

Household expenses should be shared by partners, especially if they're working full-time. It's crazy to assume one partner will handle it all.

A Reddit user named Icy_Studio4388 posted on the "AITA" subreddit about a disagreement he's having with his partner about household expenses.

He and his partner have been living together for a year, and he earns almost double of what his partner earns. He has been covering all the bills, groceries, takeaways, days out, holidays, and other expenses in their relationship.

His partner, whose monthly take home is £1450, has contributed £250 a month to household expenses. Recently, due to the rising cost of living, the bills have gone up, and Icy_Studio4388 suggested that his partner should contribute more, around £400-£450 a month, to help cover the expenses.

His partner was upset and said she couldn't afford it and that he should cover it because he's the main wage earner. Icy_Studio4388 believes both partners should contribute to the household expenses, especially since they both work full-time.

He is asking the subreddit if he's being unreasonable in asking her to contribute more or if she has a point that he should cover everything as the main wage earner. Here is how they responded to his post.

Here's OP's story.

Here's OP's story.u/Icy_Studio4388

She started arguing instead, saying that he was the main earner so he should pay.

She started arguing instead, saying that he was the main earner so he should pay.u/Icy_Studio4388

So, should she contribute to household expenses? Reddit responds.

So, should she contribute to household expenses? Reddit responds.u/Icy_Studio4388

1. His partner is living beyond her means.

1. His partner is living beyond her means.u/Icy_Studio4388

2. It makes no sense that she can't contribute more.

2. It makes no sense that she can't contribute more.u/Icy_Studio4388

3. He created the problem by allowing her to contribute a little.

3. He created the problem by allowing her to contribute a little.u/Icy_Studio4388

4. It's not unfair to expect her to contribute more.

4. It's not unfair to expect her to contribute more.u/Icy_Studio4388

5. They need to have a serious conversation to determine whether they are compatible.

5. They need to have a serious conversation to determine whether they are compatible.u/Icy_Studio4388

6. His partner is taking advantage of him.

6. His partner is taking advantage of him.u/Icy_Studio4388

7. He should remind her how much her living expenses would be if they broke up.

7. He should remind her how much her living expenses would be if they broke up.u/Icy_Studio4388

8. Couples should contribute equally to household expenses.

8. Couples should contribute equally to household expenses.u/Icy_Studio4388

9. His partner is entitled and expects him to bankroll her.

9. His partner is entitled and expects him to bankroll her.u/Icy_Studio4388

10. His partner needs a reality check.

10. His partner needs a reality check.u/Icy_Studio4388

11. He could even ask her to contribute equally.

11. He could even ask her to contribute equally.u/Icy_Studio4388

12. He has a parasite, not a partner.

12. He has a parasite, not a partner.u/Icy_Studio4388

13. Relationships end due to this kind of issue.

13. Relationships end due to this kind of issue.u/Icy_Studio4388

14. Each partner's income should determine their contribution.

14. Each partner's income should determine their contribution.u/Icy_Studio4388

15. Her selfishness should be a cause for concern.

15. Her selfishness should be a cause for concern.u/Icy_Studio4388

16. He should consider ending the relationship.

16. He should consider ending the relationship.u/Icy_Studio4388

17. A partner who earns less shouldn't be a leech on a partner who earns more.

17. A partner who earns less shouldn't be a leech on a partner who earns more.u/Icy_Studio4388

18. He shouldn't be responsible for her upkeep.

18. He shouldn't be responsible for her upkeep.u/Icy_Studio4388

19. It's about time he ends the relationship.

19. It's about time he ends the relationship.u/Icy_Studio4388

20. A proportional income sharing formula is the solution here.

20. A proportional income sharing formula is the solution here.u/Icy_Studio4388

What do you think?

When it comes to household expenses, both partners need to contribute in a way that is fair and reasonable. Ideally, partners should discuss their financial situation and come to an agreement on how much each person will contribute towards expenses.

This can be based on factors such as income, individual expenses, and shared financial goals. It's important to remember that one partner earning more doesn't necessarily mean they should bear the entire financial burden of the household.

Both partners should be responsible and contribute according to their means. Open communication is key to ensuring that both partners feel heard and respected in decision-making.

The aim should be to find a balance that works for both parties, rather than one partner taking on more financial burden than the other. What do you think?
