These Comic Strips Perfectly Depict A Relationship With An Adorably Cute Girlfriend
If you've ever felt like your relationship is overly clingy here are some comics to remind you that it's a good thing!

Everyone loves to love. And I don't necessarily mean being in a relationship, love can be found between friends, family, and even pets, but let's face it, being in a cutesy relationship is one of the best feelings ever.
The idea of snuggling up with your significant other, sharing a meal or just a laugh and enjoying the company of someone you love, gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Someone who agrees is the Seoul-based artist Gyung, whose real name is Kyu-Young Lee, who draws the most adorable comics based on his own romantic life with his partner.
“Yeah, it's all about us,” he said in an interview “It's our precious story, we met three years ago and just got married this month. Nowadays she thinks that she should try to provide as much material as she can!” Isn't that sweet!
See more from Gyung on Instagram later, but for now, check out his best work below and prepare for almost sickening sweetness.
1. There is no personal space in a clingy relationship

2. Phones? No, snuggles.

3. Now THIS is warmth!


5. It's almost like a scene in a movie...

6. Your partner will always be there to catch you

7. *Scoot*

8. Just a reminder that you can always lean on each other

9. Candid photos are the cutest!

10. And you are always creating memories!

11. Just one bite?

12. And a clingy partner will always find any reason to remind you they love you...

13. Is this practical? No. Do we love it? OF COURSE


15. And more than anything else a clingy girlfriend just loves you spending time with her.

16. Also, we're always keen for being picked up. Always.

17. Sweetness level 100


19. Clingy partners are always happy to see you, and that's the best feeling!

20. And are always up to treat you to the best food.

21. Have I mentioned the unconditional sharing?

22. And meeting up at any time just to hang out.

23. again, the SHARING

24. Also: This.

25. And lastly all the activities.
