Teen Accidentally Breaks BF's Mother's Christmas Tree While Playing With Dog, Then Leaves The House
Was she wrong for accidentally damaging her boyfriend's mother's Christmas tree?
- Published in Interesting
One Reddit user, Ok_Sink_1715, took to the AITA subreddit to share a recent embarrassing accident that happened when she had a thanksgiving dinner at her boyfriend's mother's place.
In the post, she said her boyfriend's family organized the gathering after thanksgiving so they could host more relatives. Since Ok_Sink_1715 and her boyfriend spent thanksgiving apart, it was meant to be a beautiful evening for them, and things actually started out well.
At her boyfriend's mother's house, where the gathering was hosted, there was a beautifully decorated 14-foot Christmas tree with many ornaments. According to Ok_Sink_1715, it was a great night as they all ate and conversed.
After dinner, she got talking with her boyfriend's sister while also playing with the family's poodle. Ok_Sink_1715 said her boyfriend's dad gave her treats to feed the dog, and while she was doing that, the dog grabbed the pack out of her hands and ran away.
At this point, nobody was with Ok_Sink_1715 as her boyfriend's sister had left to freshen up. Instinctively, she chased after the dog, and it ran behind the tree.
She followed the dog, and accidentally, the tree's light wires wrapped around her feet and tripped her, causing the tree to fall halfway backward and the ornaments to fall off. The sound from the fall attracted people nearby, including her boyfriend's mother.
While her boyfriend was concerned about her well-being, Ok_Sink_1715 said his mother was distraught about the tree. Although Ok_Sink_1715 apologized for the mess and offered to pay damages, her boyfriend assured her everything was fine, but his mother has stopped responding to her messages ever since.
Ok_Sink_1715 wants to know if she's an asshole for accidentally ruining the Christmas tree.
Here's how it started.
u/Ok_Sink_1715She admits it was a beautiful tree.
u/Ok_Sink_1715And then the tree fell...
u/Ok_Sink_1715She left soon after... Reddit responds.
u/Ok_Sink_17151. The ornaments on the tree may be precious to her boyfriend's mother.
u/Ok_Sink_17152. Her boyfriend's mother isn't overreacting because the ornaments may have sentimental value.
u/Ok_Sink_17153. She wouldn't be in this situation if she had paid attention.
u/Ok_Sink_17154. Chasing a dog behind a Christmas tree is reckless.
u/Ok_Sink_17155. She should ask her boyfriend's mother for forgiveness.
u/Ok_Sink_17156. Her boyfriend's mother is appalled by her foolery.
u/Ok_Sink_17157. She is childish.
u/Ok_Sink_17158. It was wrong of her to be chasing the dog around.
u/Ok_Sink_17159. It makes no sense for her to chase the dog.
u/Ok_Sink_171510. Her careless behavior cost her boyfriend's mother ornaments of sentimental value.
u/Ok_Sink_171511. It's only in movies people behave as stupidly as she did.
u/Ok_Sink_171512. The accident is reckless and sounds like a movie script.
u/Ok_Sink_171513. As an adult, she should have known that running behind the tree was stupid.
u/Ok_Sink_171514. Her boyfriend's mother has every right to be upset about her reckless behavior.
u/Ok_Sink_171515. The damage she caused is irredeemable and inexcusable.
u/Ok_Sink_171516. It's bad to run around other people's houses unless in an emergency.
u/Ok_Sink_171517. It makes no sense to chase a dog around in someone else's house.
u/Ok_Sink_171518. She could have prevented the accident by using her head.
u/Ok_Sink_171519. She should stop throwing blames around and own up to the fact that she messed up.
u/Ok_Sink_171520. Her boyfriend's mother can react anyhow she deems fit.
u/Ok_Sink_1715What Do You Think?
Accidents are a normal part of life. They can happen anywhere, and sometimes, they can be embarrassing.
However, the great thing about accidents is that they can happen to anyone. Regardless of how careful one is, surprises can spring up as one cannot control everything.
The most essential thing in these instances is to accept what has happened and move forward, rather than beating oneself up over it.