These Tweets About Getting Older Are Surprisingly Very Relateable

Getting old is a weird concept.

  • Published in Funny
These Tweets About Getting Older Are Surprisingly Very Relateable

Getting old is a weird thing everyone has to goes through, no matter how much money or power or might have, it'll still get you. Things keep constantly changing around you and you start feeling like a stranger to a lot of things you were once very familiar with. 

Instead of adapting to their new way of life, some people keep constantly fighting it, which makes them look even older than they really are, but at some point, everyone ends up giving up and accepting the new state they found themselves in. Here are some hilarious Tweets about getting old that you might be able to relate to.

No more accidents

 No more accidentscmuncastermusic

Seriously, why?

 Seriously, why?TheCatWhisprer

That's exactly what it is

 That's exactly what it isCpin42

Should've been more specific

 Should've been more specificericsshadow

It wasn't? What

 It wasn't? Whatsadanduseless

Who is it this time

 Who is it this timethemrsik

It's slowly taking over you

 It's slowly taking over yousadanduseless

I hate you all

 I hate you allaaronup

The world ran out of talent

 The world ran out of talentgoldengateblond

And the electricity bill

 And the electricity billtheafroguru

Going to the Fridge is exhausting

 Going to the Fridge is exhaustingXplodingUnicorn

Damaged Vessel

 Damaged VesselKyle_Lippert

Getting meme-d is just too brutal

 Getting meme-d is just too brutalmr_kapowski

Is he okay?

 Is he okay?alanh_fl

Show her a picture of an old phone

 Show her a picture of an old phoneEnglishJason