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There are a lot of crazy things that are hidden in the world and geography helps us to understand them.
The internet is used for many different things every day such as communication, sharing photos and videos, researching topics, working, and also learning. One of my favorite things to do is learn something new and so I love exploring opportunities where I can learn random things that I didn't know before or even just learn random facts I can tell others.
Most of all, learning is something that is incredibly useful whether it is information you can use immediately or not. With all that being said, we are here to educate you a little bit more by using this post.
Geography is something that many people don't understand or don't learn about regularly, but it's important to know things about the world that we live in. This article is going to go through some of the coolest and most interesting geography facts that you might not have been taught in school.
Overall, geography is one of those subjects that many people weren't paying a lot of attention to, or maybe it just wasn't offered in all curriculums, but either way, we are here to give you the education you never received in school.
Here are 35 surprising geography facts that you probably didn't know.
"Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined."
"Antarctica is the world's largest desert, since it doesn't get all that much rainfall. Also, if you put a cherry on top of it, Antarctica is the world's largest dessert."
"My parents in Canada live closer to me in England than they do to my in-laws in Canada."
"Rubies and Sapphires are in fact, the same mineral, and both of them, as well as Emeralds, are actually rarer then Diamonds."
"Palm trees grow in Ireland, at 53 degrees north. In Canada at 55 degrees north there are polar bears."
"France's longest border is with Brazil."
"If you took a boat out of Reykjavík and sailed directly south, the first land mass you'd hit would be Antarctica."
"Australia is wider than the moon"
"Alaska is actually HUGE. It’s larger than Montana, Texas, and California combined. Yet, illustrated on maps as being tiny."
"Despite Canada being the US’s “neighbor to the north”, the majority of Canadians live south of Seattle."
"The distance between New Zealand and Australia is roughly the same as the distance between The Netherlands and Libya."
"There are 14 mountains over the height of 8000 metres. All of them are in Asia."
"Perth is the most isolated metropolis in the world"
"How far north Europe is. I always pictured Europe as roughly parallel to the US, so northern Europe would be the same latitude as Minnesota and southern Europe as Florida.
Not even close. The UK is almost entirely north of the lower 48 states and Rome is further north than New York City."
"California is the closest state to Hawaii , but Hawaii is the furthest state from California"
"Texas is large enough that I could fit Copenhagen, Brussels, Zagreb, and Warsaw with their real life distances from each other inside the State lines.
The Great Lakes contain enough fresh water to flood an area the size of Great Britain in over 100 meters of water."
"Alaska is simultaneously the furthest west, east, and northern point in the US."
"China has 14 neighboring countries."
"Although I'm on the other side of the planet, only 1 country separates me from North Korea."
These geography facts have me wanting to look at a globe to figure out if some of these things are true. It's really wild what we don't know about our planet, other countries, and just what types of things are happening in the world today.
We hope that you learned at least one new fact today from this article.