30 Genius Acts Of Vandalism That Are True Works Of Art

We're not trying to say that it's a good idea to go around ruining other people's property, but let's face it, there are some forms of graffiti that are true works of art!

30 Genius Acts Of Vandalism That Are True Works Of Art

Vandalism is a serious crime all over the world and can carry some pretty hefty penalties if you're caught performing the act. However, vandalism isn't always such a bad thing.

Okay, so we're not trying to say that it's a good idea to go around ruining other people's property, but let's face it, there are some forms of graffiti that are true works of art!

You have to admit, some pieces of "street art" really do make our cities much prettier and more interesting.

Take a look through the compilation of genius pieces below. From transforming everyday objects into crazy characters to adding witty words to signs and posters, these clever pranksters deserve some recognition for their creativity.


#1 Ufo Kidnapping A Cow In Dresden

#1 Ufo Kidnapping A Cow In Dresdenoakoak

#2 It's A Tiny Forest

#2 It's A Tiny Forestmerinoflora

#3 How To Cause Heart Attacks

#3 How To Cause Heart AttacksFaisalSharif

#4 Mini Kong

#4 Mini KongSmileyFace-_-

#5 Alligator

#5 AlligatorIgorZelenov

#6 Subtle Yoyo Vandalism

#6 Subtle Yoyo VandalismGallowBoob

#7 Whoever Did This Deserves A F***ing Beer

#7 Whoever Did This Deserves A F***ing BeerGallowBoob

#8 Sculpture Hack

#8 Sculpture HackSirJukesALot

#9 Drop-In

#9 Drop-InColourScientist

#10 Aren't We All?

#10 Aren't We All?_D4Z3_

#11 Ta-Dah!

#11 Ta-Dah!Calcd_Uncertainty

#12 If There's Something Strange, In Your Neighborhood

#12 If There's Something Strange, In Your NeighborhoodShadrach451

#13 Awesome Street Art

#13 Awesome Street Artmadebylondon

#14 No Bills

#14 No BillsZadocPaet

#15 On/Off

#15 On/Offoakoak

#16 What A Great Life Hack

#16 What A Great Life HackBierrr

#17 Sharpie Shark

#17 Sharpie Sharksnappiness

#18 Now What Are You Going To Do About It?

#18 Now What Are You Going To Do About It?ZadocPaet

#19 Run Forest Run

#19 Run Forest Runbbqfap

#20 One Too Many

#20 One Too ManyStreet art of Aiden Glynn

#21 Do Not Remove This Seal

#21 Do Not Remove This Sealrodabi

#22 Creative Painting On Barrier Bars

#22 Creative Painting On Barrier Barsjuzodagup

#23 Picking Berries

#23 Picking Berriesoakoak

#24 Hand Dryer Has A Point

#24 Hand Dryer Has A Pointsdo17yo

#25 Offer Him To The Gods

#25 Offer Him To The GodsSalazarRED

#26 Culprit

#26 Culpritoakoak

#27 Prankster Alters Iconic Hollywood Sign To Read ‘Hollyweed’ As New Marijuana Law Begins In California

#27 Prankster Alters Iconic Hollywood Sign To Read ‘Hollyweed’ As New Marijuana Law Begins In CaliforniaAyrane

#28 Someone Put Little Gnomes In A Tree At My Local Park

#28 Someone Put Little Gnomes In A Tree At My Local ParkWllmmsn

#29 Urban Ice Cream In Osaka, Japan

#29 Urban Ice Cream In Osaka, Japanoakoak_street_art

#30 Found This In The Bathroom At Work Today

#30 Found This In The Bathroom At Work TodayADano

There really are some creative people in this world!

If you enjoyed scrolling through these masterpieces we would love to hear which ones are your favorites.

And as always, don't forget to share this post with your friends!
