These Gen Z Comics Are So Engaging Your Boredom Won't Know What Hit It
Let's take time to laugh and enjoy life

Ah, millennials – they get a bad rap for being too coddled and having it way too easy. But true story – a lot of millennials are struggling just like the rest of us to land a decent job and afford rent.
But hey, if you need a pick-me-up, check out the hilarious cartoons from Yanni Davros – they’re all the rage with a hundred thousand fans around the globe! At 33, Yanni is living the dream.
He calls Sacramento, California, home with his girlfriend Niki and pup Sai. Yanni is a professional artist and is as passionate about art as he is about gardening, snowboarding, cycling, and vinyl records.
His love of art started young - at 3, he was already drawing airplanes and had a major passion for comic books. He honed his skill at the Savannah College of Art and Design and majored in sequential art.
Now, Yanni makes a living doing artwork for IT companies and advertising firms. Talk about success!
Yanni loves to draw inspiration from his typical day - whether it's the people he knows, the stories he hears, or the wild situations he comes across. He's a big fan of those 80s and 90s comedies, so he likes to bring some of that absurdist zaniness to his comics.
Not to mention, he has a real soft spot for those classic newspaper comics (Calvin and Hobbes forever!) and cutesy Japanese art (Sanrio and Tokidoki, anyone?). All in all, it's a unique and hilarious mix.
1. Different types of hornets

2. Lesson 2: Voodoo

3. Parking Ticket

4. Disney is actually much smaller than the two

5. Bark Bark

6. Gosh dangit electricity ain’t free

7. Office DJ

8. Silent Generation

9. Someone out there is watching our lives like a movie.

10. I guess that means it’s free

11. First Day of School

12. Catatouille

13. I feel like the porcupine sometimes

14. Like shooting fish in a barrel

15. Human Resources

16. Half of the stuff in school helps us in the future

17. The Archives

18. Petting Zoo

19. New Hair

20. And you only really have to wear them in public

21. Princess bubblegum from adventure time

22. The frog itself is also a universe

23. Horoscopes

24. Don’t forget to Gen Alpha

25. Eggman was right to destroy the moon

26. History Class

27. Brand Wars

28. Helium

29. Then who made life on his planet?

30. The human is the cat’s pet

Humor and comics can provide an effective way to cope with the hardships of life. They can help us to laugh at ourselves, our situation, and life in general.
When faced with difficult situations, humor can help us to see beyond the immediate difficulties and to take a lighter perspective. It can provide a moment of respite from the stress, allowing us to gain a different perspective on the situation and to see the positive aspects of our lives.
