Irresponsible 20-Year-Old Runs Out Of Gas In The Middle Of The Road, And Then Cries On Reddit After Her Brother Scolded Her For Endangering Herself

Everyone on Reddit tried to make her see how much danger she put other people in but she was more concerned about her hurt feelings

Irresponsible 20-Year-Old Runs Out Of Gas In The Middle Of The Road, And Then Cries On Reddit After Her Brother Scolded Her For Endangering Herself

Road safety is a crazy concept when you really think about it. A large part of what happens on the road is dependent on our trust that other drivers know what they are doing in their own vehicles.

Unfortunately, not everyone possesses the skills and instincts to be a trustworthy vehicle owner. Some people simply do not have the presence of mind to operate a car on actual roads.

In the wrong hands, a car could pose a danger to everyone else. This 20-year-old OP should not have a car nor be allowed to drive it.

She ranted on Reddit about a fight she recently had with her older brother. She was driving to school one day when her car ran out of gas in the middle of the road.

She knew days before that the car was running out of gas but failed to go to a gas station because she kept forgetting. She couldn't even call for help when her car stalled because OP forgot her phone at home as well.

Under pressure from other frustrated drivers, OP cried inside her car. She got more stressed when she realized how many cars were behind her, waiting for her to move.

Luckily, a construction truck of workers stopped beside her and asked how they can help. They pushed her car out of the road and offered her a ride to the nearest gas station.

They paid for her gas and the jerry can, and then drove her back to her car

They paid for her gas and the jerry can, and then drove her back to her caru/Iwilnotlearn

OP offered to buy them lunch or pay them back for their troubles but the helpful samaritans refused

OP offered to buy them lunch or pay them back for their troubles but the helpful samaritans refusedu/Iwilnotlearn

OP told her brother about what happened and he told her what a stupid decision it was to get in a stranger's car

He added that their dad would be mad at her when he finds out that she put herself at risk. OP said her brother's reaction is just because of his pessimism while she's the type of person to see things in a positive light.

OP told her brother about what happened and he told her what a stupid decision it was to get in a stranger's caru/Iwilnotlearn

It was days-worth of poor decisions that ultimately led to her endangering other people including herself

It was days-worth of poor decisions that ultimately led to her endangering other people including herselfMommyLovesPot8toes

OP should stop driving until she learns how to be a responsible driver and car owner

OP should stop driving until she learns how to be a responsible driver and car owner[deleted], Illustrious_Soft_257

OP said she cries in stressful situations to clear her head but she did nothing to solve the situation after she cried. She would have sat in the middle of traffic if the helpful guys didn't see her.

OP said she cries in stressful situations to clear her head but she did nothing to solve the situation after she cried. She would have sat in the middle of traffic if the helpful guys didn't see her.[deleted]

Things could have gone wrong so fast but OP got lucky

Things could have gone wrong so fast but OP got luckyValkrhae

OP's username is "Iwillnotlearn" and it's so fitting

OP's username is whatsmypassword73

After everything the redditors told her, OP was still more concerned about her feelings that admitting how reckless she was

After everything the redditors told her, OP was still more concerned about her feelings that admitting how reckless she wasIwilnotlearn, OrangeAnomaly

Forgetting to gas up for four days is plain idiotic. Does she not look at her gas indicator or something?

Forgetting to gas up for four days is plain idiotic. Does she not look at her gas indicator or something?lemonhead2345

OP has a lot of growing up to do and fast

OP has a lot of growing up to do and fastCurious-One4595

This should have at least gotten OP a ticket

This should have at least gotten OP a ticketFirm_Intention5119, [deleted]

OP has no concept of how dangerous a situation it was. She is absolutely at fault for everything that happened.

The fact that she didn't have enough gas to pull over by the side of the road means that OP's car was running on fumes. She ignored her car's indicator for days for that to happen; OP should not be driving a car at all.
