Redditor Discovers That The Garfield Mug He Drinks From Daily Contains Lead And Is Potentially Giving Him Brain Damage
He drinks tea from it every morning.

The harmful effects of lead are the same whether a person breathes in, swallows, or absorbs its particles. But the body absorbs higher lead levels when a person breathes it in.
Lead is absorbed in our bodies and stored within our tissues, blood, and bones. The particles will not stay within us as long as we live.
Instead, they are accumulated and released from our bodies slowly. Lead poisoning can occur when a person is exposed to extremely high levels of lead in just a short amount of time.
Since its symptoms may appear gradually or be caused by other factors, people often ignore it. Lead poisoning can cause anemia, weakness, kidney and brain damage, and even death.
Excessive lead exposure can be fatal. Lead can also go beyond the placental barrier, putting unborn babies at risk.
People who have been exposed to lead for an extended period of time may lead to heart disease, high blood pressure kidney disease, and decreased fertility.
We want to lessen the chances of getting exposed to such harmful particles. That's why it's important to be mindful of the things we purchase.
A streamer shares about a Garfield cup he owns on the subreddit Today I F****d Up (TIFU). He loves it so much that he has been drinking from it until he discovers that it's potentially endangering his health because of its lead content.
If you own the same cup, stop drinking from it immediately!

He shares the source where he discovered that his mug is giving him brain damage and his reaction.

The original poster didn't expect the thread to blow up. Apparently, other people on Reddit own the cup too.

Despite having lead, somebody wants to have their Garfield cup back.

It's vintage now.

The original poster can't just let the cup go, so he's finding ways to keep it despite putting him at risk.

Unusable items = paperweight

He likes the idea of being able to keep it..

A fellow user wants to dispose his cup by sending it to the original poster.

When "I'm Sorry Jon" becomes real.

It's like Creep Garfield is serving tea.

Sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry.

Now we know what fast food chains stopped distributing them.

Imagine the money people spend on just to complete their collection.

Some redditors have those cups that were collected back when they were still widely available.

Maybe it's time to check our own items too...

Another user wants to send the original poster the lead-filled cup.

A stranger quelling the original poster's fear.

Other people felt relieved after hearing the lead lab results from a fellow user.

There are people doubting the original poster's source.

Since the source is from a blog, we can't confirm whether or not it's risky to drink from the cup.
But in the end, it wouldn't harm you to be careful about the things you eat out of and the things you drink from. And if the cup is indeed lead-filled, we hope the original poster just stopped at the right time before the side effects manifest.
