Man Drinks A Whole Gallon Of Milk In Just An Hour To Prove A Point In Reddit But Things Did Not Go The Way He Expected
The sheer desire to best Reddit led him to his downfall.

Pride and ego are dangerous things, and sometimes, they lead us into stupid situations because of our stupid decisions. That's something that most of us have learned the hard way in life.
Now, we have an additional someone to append to that kind of category. A man who goes by u/leprecaun8 on Reddit tried to prove a point that he can drink a whole gallon of milk in just an hour and without fail.
It all started when he started to post on Reddit a conversation between him and his friends, wherein they all collectively agreed that drinking a gallon of milk in just an hour is fairly an easy task and is 100% possible. He begins to lay out his reasons, saying that an entire hour is already a lot of time to do the challenge, and it can be done by just slowly and steadily drinking the milk in portions all throughout the hour.
Now here's the thing, the comments were informing him that he was an idiot for being confident that he can do it in an hour, and that he has no idea what he was talking about. They demanded documentation and the OP was definitely not backing down and he was ready to prove them all wrong.
That's when the trouble started.
"TIFU by drinking a Gallon of milk in one hour to shove it in Reddit’s face."

OP was *absolutely* confident.

This is where the fun begins!

How drinking the first cup went down.

We're now on to the second cup!

To the third cup we go.

Survived the fourth cup.

The fifth cup came with a whole other challenge: keeping the milk inside his body.

News flash: Reddit won! Sorry, OP!

Some people, however, just never learn and want to truly feel the experience themselves. Good luck, though!

Check out the hilarious reactions that followed!
Oh how we'd love to see that.

To be fair, American cups are just larger in general. This might explain why/

No man can eat fifty eggs. *Wink*

A little something from MythBusters that somehow explains this particular 'phenomenon'.

Just an additional lesson to go by.

Yeah, he almost did it, didn't he? Seems like he could give it another try and do it completely!

If you're planning to make a fool out of yourself just like OP by doing the same challenge, then remember this one.

The milk world's evil!

Hope he'll feel butter soon!

OP has a way with words, and his narrative was so creatively formed it moved us to laughter and tears!

All hail OP for coming up with such a descriptive story!

Milk over heavy cream.

It's an ego and pride thing.

In case you were wondering where's the video:

Well, if there's one thing people truly excel at, it's trying to prove things wrong all while making a fool of themselves, especially when they are only doing it out of pride or even out of spite. These moments definitely take the cake for being hilarious ones, though!
Comment down your thoughts below, or share this hilarious thread with your family and friends!
